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Monday, March 9, 2009
SINGER-SONGWRITER ARTISTS in the range of Regina Spektor, Rachael Yamagata, Rufus Wainwright, Elliott Smith, Patrick Wolf, Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, Iron & Wine, etc. are sought after by the host of an established Radio Show highlighting outstanding Indie Artists in the U.S. This show has already featured dozens of TAXI artists and they've all enjoyed exposure to over 10 million listeners and really solid promotion on the company website - each artist typically gets thousands of new hits, just from being featured on this popular show. This show is the #1 CHR (Current Hit Radio) Radio Broadcast Network in Europe and Germany. The music must be from U.S.-based artists/bands who write and perform their own music and the material must be radio-ready and current. You must also have a full-length, completed CD project and an active website, in order to submit. This opportunity is fantastic for an artist/band trying to get invaluable radio promotion and far-reaching exposure. This show ONLY accepts submissions via TAXI. You'll want to make sure you have your completed CD ready to send if/when the company contacts you to be featured on the show. All recordings need to be Broadcast Quality. Please submit 1-3 songs online or per CD, include a great PHOTO and detailed BIO. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than February 27, 2009. TAXI #S090227SS
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S090227SS
Title: Satellite
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
I've always loved this song. The melody is impossibly memorable. Lyrics are creative and fun. Vocal has that whiney quality that kids who love indie rock react so favorably to. Love all those tasty fills the drummer plays throughout the songs' middle section. A pro producer might convince the drummer to play it straight, but I think that'd remove a bit of the charm. Faux horns and mellotron add cool musical coloration to the arrangement.
Status: Forward
Title: Losing Altitude
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
"Satellite", "Losing Altitude", "Winged Bicycle". You obviously have a fixation with flight. Love all the subtle nuances of this arrangement (strings, organ, etc.). Vocal sounds really engaging. Lyrical imagery is evocative. Great track.
Status: Forward
Title: Winged Bicycle
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Love the title. So evocative. Really makes me want to hear the song. Using a trumpet during the intro is a really inspired idea, but I wonder if the little intro section goes on a bit too long. Feels like it might be a little more effective to get into the vocal sooner. That's a minor gripe, but I'm just being honest. Superb lyrical imagery throughout the song.
Status: Forward
On target for this listing
Very distinctive sounding. Seems quite compatible with the artists mentioned in the listing.
Overall Comments
Hi Michael - It's been awhile since I've heard any of your material. Either I've been screening the wrong listings, or it's been a while since you last submitted. I'm more than happy to forward all three songs. Please keep putting more cool music out into the world! I'm a big fan.
Sound Quality
A cool production aesthetic that mixes lo-fi sounds with a hi-fi attitude.
The main reasons you were forwarded for this listing is:
Really distinctive sounding material. Really distinctive sounding performances.
Listener ID # 79
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Congratulations Michael, Your songs: 30 Lives, Satellite & Winged Bicycle, were forwarded to EMI Music Publishing for listing # S090210IR!
INDIE ROCK BANDS a la Modest Mouse, The Flaming Lips, Death Cab for Cutie, etc. sought by Creative Director in the East Coast office of a Major Music Publisher. He said he is looking for really special stuff that is unique and transcendent. He wants songs that will be cool and commercial. He's not only aiming for radio airplay, but wants material that he will be able get licensed for Film/TV. Showing him that you have a solid background in terms of "doing it yourself" is helpful, but the real advantage is your uniqueness. Broadcast quality material needed (excellent home recordings are OK). Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than February 10, 2009. TAXI #S090210IR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S090210IR
Title: Satellite
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
i really like this a lot. the woozy psychedelic vibe is way cool. melody works perfectly & i love the lyrics, as well. the keyboard parts add some nice texture and color to it all. i do find that drum fill that occurs in every single line of both verses a bit much, especially since it is essentially the same fill each time, give or take a cymbal or snare. but, in the end the song wins, and everyone goes home happy.
Status: Forward
Title: 30 Lives
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
i love this. very 60's. always a good thing. best opening line i've heard in a while. i love the unabashed Pop sensibility that pervades everything. this is right up my alley. no negatives here. good job, fellas.
Status: Forward
Title: Winged Bicycle
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
a bit long but still great. another terrific song. i really dig the trumpet. now, i'm wondering if the horns in SATELLITE were real or not. anyway, melody, lyrics, arrangement, performance all good.
Status: Forward
On target for this listing
-right on target
Overall Comments
hey there michael -- this is the first thing i've listened to this morning and what a difference it makes to start off the day with something i really actually enjoy and would listen to on my own time. this sounds very timely to me considering the Garage Rock renaissance that is going on right now. this is perfect for LITTLE STEVEN'S UNDERGROUND GARAGE. it reminds me a bit of OUTRAGEOUS CHERRY who are mining a similar vein. also a great band. i just love the songs, the band, the whole deal. actually, i'm not crazy about the name of the band, but, hey. i am going to forward this along. considering that they reference FLAMING LIPS, this should work well, too. anyway, good luck from here out, it's been a real pleasure to hear this. makes me wanna quit work & drive too fast.
Bio Comments
bio is excellent, as is
The main reason(s) you were forwarded for this listing is:
i am forwarding this because all three songs are terrific, and on the money stylistically, for the listing.
Listener ID # 256
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Film Music for Dispatch listing # D090226MR!
MODERN ROCK and POP SONGS are needed immediately by a Music Supervisor who is currently working on an Independent Film. The music supervisor requested that for this specific scene, the music needs to be something that you would normally hear on current hit Rock and Pop radio stations. These songs will be used during a house party scene, so think youthful, fun, and upbeat songs. Lyrics do not necessarily have to be about partying. Male and/or female vocals are fine, no instrumentals please. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than 10:00am (PST) Thursday, February 26, 2009. TAXI #D090226MR
Name: Michael Epstein
Listing # D090226MR
Song Title: 30 Lives (Up-Up-Down-Dance Mix)
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 287