Saturday, January 3, 2009



UNIQUE ALT ROCK/INDIE POP ARTISTS in the range of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Black Kids, Vampire Weekend, Broken Social Scene, Kaiser Chiefs, Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, etc. are sought after by a successful Indie Label who specializes in securing Film/TV/Video Game placements in order to elevate the status/income of the Indie Artist. This company is also interested in bolstering their roster and is looking for bands/artists to sign to pub and record deals. You'll want to submit your best material for this one, along with a great photo and a detailed bio. Broadcast/Master quality is necessary, but excellent home recordings should suffice. Please submit 2-3 songs online or per CD, include PHOTO/BIO. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than December 8, 2008. TAXI #S081208AR

Name Michael Epstein Listing # S081208AR

Title: Satellite N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8  Music
8  Lyrics
7  Marketability
8  Arrangement
8  Production
7  Engineering
7  Musicianship
8  Lead Vocal

Status: Return 

You obviously are making good ground on the college circuit however, I'm not hearing that this song is similar to the same "hits" of the bands that are mentioned in the listing. If you listen to "I Predict A Riot" (Kaiser Chiefs) or " I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor" (Arctic Monkeys) you will hear the songs that are closer to what this label is in search for.

Title: 30 Lives N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6  Music
7  Lyrics
6  Marketability
8  Arrangement
7  Production
7  Engineering
7  Musicianship
8  Lead Vocal

This song is also a good album track but I don't feel it has the same broad appeal as say Black Kids "I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend".

Status: Return 

Title: Winged Bicycle N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8  Music
8  Lyrics
6  Marketability
7  Arrangement
7  Production
6  Engineering
7  Musicianship
7  Lead Vocal

This is another nice song but again I felt it was more of an album track than a single. 

Status: Return 

I didn't mark the box above because I feel that you have strong songs, however, it sounded more in the vein of Weezer & Ween than Kaiser Chiefs or Arctic Monkeys. 

Overall Comments

Thanks for sending in these songs. I definitely enjoy what you are doing. These songs are quite quirky and have a character of their own but for this project in particular, perhaps once you've listened to the various artists and songs that I mentioned, you might incorporate some of those ideas with your own to make something more appealing and marketable.

Sound Quality
I like the low-fi aspect of you music and your vocals sound very strong and appealing.

The main reason(s) you were not forwarded for this listing is:
These tracks are strong album tracks but I didn't hear what the label is looking for and that is something similar to Kaiser Chiefs/Arctic Monkeys/ The Kooks.

Listener ID # 304

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