Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TAXI # D051213PU

The Music Supervisor for an Independent Teen Film needs PUNK SONGS [male or female vocals -- no instrumentals] a la Go Betty Go, Strung Out, No Use For A Name, Unwritten Law, Pennywise, etc. that are definitely "hard punk" but not over-the-top [for example -- no screaming, no profanity, etc.]. She wants to find songs that are the modern day equivalent of the Sex Pistols -- aggressive, fiery, volatile. She ran a fairly similar listing about a week ago, so if you were forwarded for listing #D051130IR, please don't submit the same material. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 2:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Tuesday, December 13, 2005. TAXI # D051213PU

Citadel --- Return
Beast --- Return

TAXI # S051213PO 

POP/ROCK SONGS a la U2, Crowded House, Robbie Williams, etc. are needed by the Producer of a new Male Artist. The really want songs that have intelligent, cohesive lyrics and that tell an interesting story. Your songs must be unique and interesting melodically as well, very much like Robbie Williams' best work. All tempos OK. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Dec. 13, 2005. TAXI # S051213PO 

Song Title: Pre-Existing Condition

Not Close enough to what listing asked for 
A better pitch to alt pop.

Good music in verses 
Choruses could be stronger 

The verses work well but the chorus is not mainstream enough to match up with what the listing refers to. 

Well-written structure 

Makes sense- the end arrangement seem unpolished and a bit awkward, though. 

First line makes me want to hear more 
Good use of imagery 
Rhymes well 
Communicates emotion to listener 
Vocal does help to sell song 

I really like this lyric, too. You have some great, memorable lines and images here. Well done. I really feel for the poor dude in this situation! 

Good title 
Can't determine title by listening 
Could appear in a more strategic place 
Doesn't repeat enough 

Try to make it easy to recognize your title. 

Overall Comments: 

I like the retro pop ideas you have here, Michael. All your cool lyric ideas here are heading right toward target for the listing, too! Just work on coming up with some more interesting melodic ideas- especially to spice up your choruses. Learning to sing and play some of Crowded House's hits might be a good influence? Good luck and i hope to hear much more from you in the future. You have heaps of ability, Michael. 

Overall Rating 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
8 Music 
8 Lyrics 
7 Marketability 
7 Arrangement 
6 Production 
7 Engineering 

The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is: 

This chorus melody doesn't sell your song in a way that sounds mainstream and commercial - so it's not close enough to the style this listing refers to, unfortunately. This song might work great for pop/rock singer songwriter listings, though?! 

Status: Return 

Listener ID # 180 

Song Title: The Day After

Not Close enough to what listing asked for 

This seems more like alt pop/rock than the mainstream material the listing is after. There's a mood to your track that's kind of like U2. That's cool. 

Good music in verses 
Choruses could be stronger 

Solid pop/rock ideas but they are not mainstream and catchy. Perhaps because the chorus is sort of understated and the melody starts to feel one dimensional. 

Well-written structure 

Makes sense. 

Rhymes well 
Lacks focus 
Too abstract 
I don't understand it 
Vocal does help to sell song 

Try to crush what? and hold back what? What will your lips be leaking etc? A little more info here might add meaning and emotional impact. 

Good title 

Loads of lyric potential. Seems kind of cinematic. 

Overall Comments: 

This seems more like REM than Robbie Williams or Crowded House, Michael. Think about pitching it to other genres and listings. You mght work on conveying clearer meaning and being more specific in your lyrics. That might seem much more commercial. Good luck. 

Overall Rating 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
7 Music 
8 Lyrics 
6 Marketability 
7 Arrangement 
7 Production 
7 Engineering 

The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is: 

This song is not in the right style for this particular listing. 

Status: Return 

Listener ID # 180 

Song Title: Satellite

Not Close enough to what listing asked for 

This is closer to alt pop/rock than the more mainstream pop this listing is after, Michael 

Good music in verses 
Good music in choruses 

Solid alt pop ideas. A more upbeat, catchy chorus might sound more mainstream. 

Well-written structure 

Makes sense. 

Good use of imagery 
Rhymes well 
Communicates emotion to listener 
Vocal does help to sell song 

I really like this lyric and your unique ideas. The end section is a bit confusing and loses focus somewhat - Who are you referring to when you say "the bigger they are the harder they fall..." etc?

So-so Title 

Has been used a real lot over the years. Try to use unique title words and phrases. 

Overall Comments: 

I like your unique lyric ideas here. Good job. This track (and your melodic ideas) remind me of REM. Try pitching it to other slightly alternative artists and listings, perhaps?! 

Good title 
So-so Title 
Can't determine title by listening 
Could appear in a more strategic place 
Doesn't repeat enough 
Repeats too often 

Has been used a real lot over the years. Try to use unique title words and phrases. 

Overall Comments: 

I like your unique lyric ideas here. Good job. This track (and your melodic ideas) remind me of REM. Try pitching it to other slightly alternative artists and listings, perhaps?! 

Overall Rating 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
7 Music 
7 Lyrics 
7 Marketability 
7 Arrangement 
7 Production 
7 Engineering 

The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is: 

This song is too alternative sounding to work well for this pop listing and artist. Good luck with it, though - it has plenty of potential to work for other listings and pop sub genres. 

Status: Return 

Listener ID # 180 

AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S051212AR 

Unique & innovative ALTERNATIVE ROCK BANDS that have obvious star-quality, in-depth songwriting, and solid instrumental chops are wanted by the A&R Executive of a Major Label. HeÕs not seeking some derivative band that sounds like everyone else. That said, you must show obvious commercial potential. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Dec. 12, 2005. TAXI # S051212AR 

Title: Pre-Existing Condition 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
7 Music 
8 Lyrics 
6 Marketability 
6 Arrangement 
6 Production 
8 Engineering 
8 Musicianship 
8 Lead Vocal 

Strong vocals, clear and memorable lyrics and a solid band performance bring this track to life. The lyrical hooks are present and very noticeable. Consider bringing in some musical hooks that will complement the overall performance and lyrical hooks that are present. 

Title: The Day After 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
7 Music 
6 Lyrics 
7 Marketability 
7 Arrangement 
7 Production 
7 Engineering 
8 Musicianship 
8 Lead Vocal 

Excellent use of musical hook from the opening on this track. This track is right on the money for this listing and is a power pop gem in the vocals delivery and instrumentation. The lyrics take a little away from the worth by not offering a clear and understandable message. Strong lyrical hooks will not hold as power as they could unless they are easily understood. Consider bringing in some clarity for the lyrics, perhaps in a bridge, that will allow listeners to understand and see themselves. 

Title: Satellite 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best) 
8 Music 
8 Lyrics 
7 Marketability 
7 Arrangement 
7 Production 
7 Engineering 
8 Musicianship 
8 Lead Vocal 

The arrangement on this track moves forward with a dirge-like delivery. The presentation of the melody line does not match up with the vulnerability and intent found in the vocals. Lyrically, the hooks are big. Musically, the hooks are not quite so present. How about bringing in some stronger and more memorable musical hooks, perhaps even with the keyboards or the horn section?

Not close enough to what listing asked for 
Modern Rock/pop

Overall Comments: 
Very good songs, Michael. You have an intuitive sense of what your own music should sound like and you bring it to the world in a consistent manner with a good band performance and song structure. I would like to hear some more musical hooks in your tracks. "The Day After" is a great example of how musical hooks can really benefit a song. Consider developing you songs using that as a reference. 

Bio Comments: 
Good bio for the music. how about bringing in some statistics about the band and career goals. Live shows? Touring? Internet presence? Fan base? 

The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is: 
Songs need to be further developed to bring in stronger musical hooks ("satellite" and "Pre-Existing Conditions" and lyrical clarity ("The Day After") 

Status: Return 

Listener ID # 216

AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D051130IR 

The Music Supervisor for an Independent Teen Film needs energetic/up-tempo INDIE ROCK-POP SONGS with PUNK-POP heart a la Yellowcard, Metric, Number One Fan, and Fall Out Boy. Male or female vocals are OK. No instrumentals. PLEASE NOTE THE QUICK TURN-AROUND DEADLINE DATE/TIME -- the supervisor needs songs by this Wednesday afternoon. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 11:00 A.M., Pacific Standard Time (California time), Wednesday, November 30, 2005. TAXI # D051130IR 

What I Get --- Return
Pre-Existing Condition --- Return
The Day After --- Return

AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D051121CP 

Quirky, tuneful, smart COLLEGE/INDIE POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS a la Caribou, the Helio Sequence, the Shins, the New Pornographers, Zumpano, Sufjan Stevens, etc. are needed by the Music Coordinator of a PBS show that follows college students on RV roadtrips, where they find and interview their own list of leaders/heroes [company CEOs, film producers, politicians, community leaders, etc. etc.] from across the country. It’s a show about personal exploration -- about finding one’s “open road.” Broadcast quality needed [excellent sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 3:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Monday, November 21, 2005. TAXI # D051121CP 

Grace Kelley --- Return
Day After --- Return
Satellite --- Forward

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