Friday, January 8, 2010


We listened carefully to your song(s) listed below, but unfortunately, it wasn't right on target for listing #P090226AR: 30 Lives, Satellite & Winged Bicycle


ARTISTS AND BANDS that could be signed to a Major Label or a prominent Indie Label with Major Distribution are sought after by TAXI for our new program, TAXI Push! All genres can be submitted, but genres and styles that are typically heard on current hit radio stations and listed in the Billboard charts will have the best shot. These submissions will be screened by the TAXI A&R team and the selected artists will be played for a panel of TAXI's A&R people in a "cabinet meeting" setting. Any of the panel members will be able to shop music they choose to their industry contacts. This is an experimental approach that we have high hopes for, but no promises can be made. The bar will be EXTREMELY HIGH for this listing and we can make no promises that, if your music makes it through both levels and is shopped, that it will result in a deal being offered. Please refer to the Push! description here for additional information. Please submit 3 songs online or per CD, include PHOTO/BIO. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than February 26, 2009. TAXI #P090226AR

Name Michael Epstein Listing # P090226AR
Title: Satellite
Status: Return

Reasons not Forwarded:

Material Not Compelling/Distinctive Enough

Title: 30 Lives
Status: Return

Reasons not Forwarded:

Material Not Compelling/Distinctive Enough

Title: Winged Bicycle
Status: Return

Reasons not Forwarded:

Material Not Compelling/Distinctive Enough

Listener ID # 301

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