AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock TAXI # S060414MR
MODERN/ALT. ROCK ARTISTS in the general vein of Franz Ferdinand, the White Stripes, Rilo Kiley, Razorlight, the Arcade Fire, etc. are sought by a West Coast-based Management Co. that reps a platinum-selling Rock band. Tremendous songwriting is obviously key, but so is evidence of fairly extensive touring experience and following, even if just regional [a bonus if you have a completed CD]. Unique & confident vocals are a must. He wants someone who sounds original -- has their own voice -- yet also exhibits true commercial potential. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than April 14, 2006. TAXI # S060414MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060414MR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Excellent character development on this track, Michael. The lyrics walk a fine line between literary and easily digestible lyrical hooks very well. The arrangement comes across as very linear. Any way to offer more contrast between the verse and chorus sections?
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Another great pop track that marries clear and consistent lyric content that requires attention and intelligence and full on choruses that simply requires eras to here the power in the lyrical hooks.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
The fuzzed out guitar brings in a nice effect. be aware that the constant use of an effect takes it out of that category and it becomes the whole tone of the track. The linear arrangement again falls prey to the comments that I have listed above. Consider offering more contrast and definition for verse/chorus sections in order to help build more depth to the arrangement.
Not close enough to what listing asked for
Rock/Pop with an eye towards singer/songwriter
Overall Comments:
Your songs have a life that is almost tangible, Michael. You have a great sense of character development that brings to mind some other great peers in the lyric kingdom such as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. The biggest impression your lyrics make on me is your ability to have very literary content within the verses and extremely digestible lyrical hooks. Very hard to pull off and you have done so masterfully. The style is a little away from the bands the are requested in the posting (Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes, Rilo Kiley, Razorlight and Arcade Fire).
Bio Comments:
Very nice show of accomplishments. Consider bringing in even more numbers to add further value. What sort of charting position did the radio play bring? fan base? Live shows per year? Touring?
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Songs need further development to bring in contrast between sections that comes across in a clearer manner. Style is out of the range of the artists listed, Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes, Rilo Kiley, Razorlight and Arcade Fire.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
Singer/Songwriter TAXI # S060412SS
The President of an established Publishing Co. is looking for outstanding SINGER-SONGWRITERS along the lines of Ben Kweller, Rachel Yamagata, Jack Johnson, Fiona Apple, Elliott Smith, Damien Rice, etc. for Film/TV opportunities & possible shopping to labels. Great vocals and tremendous song writing are needed. A big plus if you have a finished CD. Broadcast quality needed [great-sounding home demos are OK]. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than April 12, 2006. TAXI # S060412SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060412SS
Title: Thundarr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
5 Music
4 Lyrics
3 Marketability
4 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
4 Lead Vocal
musically and melodically... this one is pretty linear and is very much in need of dynamics through its verses. Also the meter and phrasing of the lyrics feels like your trying to put a too large of lyric in too small of a space and is making the timing of this one feel awkward. Lyrically... I'm not getting a sense of WHAT is motivating or driving this song. Meaning... what's it about?? I mean... okay... I get that you've got some radioactive wast in your pocket.... WHAT isn't going to "happen again"?? And what's "radioactive waste" got to do with "your locket a picture of perfect confined to a face"??? Then when I look to what seems like the chorus... I'm not getting a clear enough sense of where the relationship is between the two. try to bring about stronger cohesion within your lyrical structure.
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
5 Music
5 Lyrics
4 Marketability
5 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
4 Lead Vocal
i think the transition from verse to chorus could've been smoother than what it is currently there. Also... lyrically even though your verses are worded differently from one to the other they aren't saying or giving off enough different from one to the other and I feel that they need to in order to support what it is that your chorus is giving off.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
5 Music
5 Lyrics
4 Marketability
5 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
4 Lead Vocal
Drummer needs to settle down through the verses as his drum fills overshadow what it is that the verses are saying and totally take away from your vocal delivery. Again... I also felt that the verses weren't giving off enough different from one to the other. Try and treat your verses much like you would if you were writing chapters in a book that continually add to the subject or topic.
in the genre
Overall Comments:
Michael... i think that there are several things that either need to be reworked in all three of these songs or better yet in the next batch of songs that you write and produce maybe be a little bit more conscious of some of my thoughts and comments that are attached with this critique. Be focused on creating stronger lyrical content by going into more depth. I also thought that you could bring out the chorus a little bit more or set it up so them up so they deliver stronger impacts that you've currently got. Now the net thing that I'm going to bring up is usually a touchy subject with singers but if i didn't bring it up i wouldn't be doing my job here at Taxi in trying to help you get better by being honest. So here goes... without trying to offend or be insulting... but you are singing in and out of pitch in these songs and I'd like to suggest some vocal coaching to help your with this issue.
Sound Quality:
not broadcast or master quality
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
not ready for a listing of this caliber for all of the reasons mentioned in this critique.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 41
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060412MR
The Creative Director for one of the largest TV Production Companies in the U.K. [they provide content to at least 10 different channels] needs a wide range of MODERN/ALTERNATIVE ROCK-POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS ranging from Franz Ferdinand to the White Stripes to the Arctic Monkeys to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to the Shins, etc., etc. They typically use existing music libraries for their music needs but want to create a library division of their own. Male or female vocals are OK -- all tempos are OK as well. Make sure your songs are sample and profanity free. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received n
o later than 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (California time), Wednesday, April 12, 2006. TAXI # D060412MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060412MR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060412MR Song Title: Grace Kelly Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060412MR Song Title: Thundarr Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # Y060407IR
Cutting-edge yet commercially-viable INDIE ROCK/POP ARTISTS a la Rilo Kiley, Modest Mouse, The Shins, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Built To Spill, etc. are being sought by the VP of A&R at a Major Publishing Co. Possessing great songs is key -- and displaying great/unique vocals. She’d love to find a band that also has a strong local/regional following, but it’s not necessary. Are you a band that can move 100,000 units, place songs on The OC and still keep your indie cred? If so, apply here. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than April 7, 2006. TAXI # Y060407IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060407IR Status Return
Song Name:
Grace Kelly
The Day After
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060331IR
INDIE ROCK-POP BANDS a la Bright Eyes, Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, the Secret Machines, the Flaming Lips, etc. are wanted by A&R Rep at well-established Independent label. Radio-friendly songs and a local/regional buzz are his criteria. You must have that something special that’s difficult to define yet easily recognizable when you hear it. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than March 31, 2006. TAXI # S060331IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060331IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Interesting and unique lyrics and instrumentation. You could consider shortening the third verse and maybe introduce a bridge to the song, which could briefly take us away from the already established chord structures.
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
9 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Good intro, verse and chorus. The song could benefit from a short bridge, which could take us away from the established chord progressions.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great intro - good lyrics. "The bigger they are" is a great ending, but you could also use it earlier in the song to make the most use of this part and not "save" it for the end.
On target for this listing
Indie rock-pop - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, your songs feature good musical and melodic parts. The original instrumentation fits nicely with the overall vibe and sound. The vocal delivery suits the material well. Some of the arrangements of the songs could be amended and tightened up in places to keep the listener engaged and focused more and to keep the momentum of the songs moving forward more (please see comments underneath the individual songs). I wish you good luck with everything.
Bio Comments:
The bio is informative and reads well. Impressive stuff.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
The vibe and the songs are original.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 226
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060327AR
The Creative Director of an established Music Production Company that has recently become a full-blown Music Library with international distribution needs contemporary ALTERNATIVE ROCK COMPOSERS-PRODUCERS for a variety of upcoming projects. Style-wise, think along the lines of the White Stripes/ Sleater-Kinney to Green Day/Blink-182 to the Foo Fighters/Weezer and everyone in between. They need talented writers/producers who are able to deliver slick, finished product in a short amount of time when called on -- tracks that will be added to the Library and become available to music directors worldwide. They pay production money per track + back-end royalties. They also get quite a few custom music projects for video games, commercials, theme songs, etc. They are also open to signing songs you already have recorded [as in the songs you’re submitting]. Broadcast quality needed [great-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include a BI
O if you have one. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than March 27, 2006. TAXI # S060327AR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060327AR
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great vibe. Well-written song. Great voice, good musicianship. Good arrangement ideas here. Vocal performance could convey a little bit more emotion - you have a great voice; don't hold back! Also, consider adding background vocals to give the lead more support in the hook. Still this is a good song for this listing & will be forwarded.
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Nice intro. Lyrics might not be appropriate for Film/TV placement as specific names being showcased are not generally usable (unless it's a movie with someone in it with that name). Also, the lyrics are a bit wordy - less is more. And the chorus could stand out a bit more musically. Make it strong and memorable with a powerful message. What do you want your audience to take away with them? What will they remember?
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Good lyric. Consider making the vocal part more dynamic and give the music in the verse more depth. The chorus could stand out more as well. Refer to the songs on the Beatles 1 album for song arrangement ideas. Good work overall.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Michael, The Motion Sick sounds great & you have a nice feel for writing great lyrics. Continue to expand on your musical ideas and consider using additional harmonies, instrumental hooks, instrumentation, dynamics, etc. Experiment. And focus on adding more energy in your vocal performance as well as additional background vocals (or consider doubling the lead vocal strategically). I'm forwarding all three songs for you because you do have great potential here and I wish you all the best always.
Sound Quality:
Not great, but clean enough for this listing
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Forwarding - Good band with good songs that have great potential for Film/TV placement.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 186
TAXI # D060327SS
Edgy SINGER-SONGWRITER SONGS [with vocals -- no instrumentals] a la the Beck, Beth Orton, Ben Kweller, Joseph Arthur, Fiona Apple, Sufjan Stevens, etc. are needed by the Music Supervisor for a popular network TV show about a well-to-do family in southern California. She needs great, cool, vibe-y songs with general lyrics--nothing with specific names, cities, places, etc. She also asked us to be quite selective in what we send her, so please submit your very best tunes. All tempos are fine. Male or female vocals are OK. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Monday, March 27, 2006. TAXI # D060327SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060327SS Song Title: Thundarr Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060327SS Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060327SS Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060322IR
The Music Supervisor for a cable TV show needs INDIE ROCK SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the vein of Modest Mouse, Sleater-Kinney, the Flaming Lips, Rilo Kiley, Broken Social Scene, the Shins, etc. The show is a combo of Absolutely Fabulous, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Entourage. It’s about a single 30-something scriptwriter struggling to complete her first script and break into the Hollywood scene. Great performances [musically & vocally] are a must. They would love to find unsigned, indie L.A.-based bands/artists for this opportunity [their preference], but they’re open to simply great songs/tracks from writers/bands outside of Los Angeles as well. This is this cable network’s first scripted series [they typically show indie films], so there’s a lot of buzz about the project -- the network is planning a major promo campaign. License fees are negotiable. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Wednesday, March 22, 2006. TAXI # D060322IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060322IR Song Title: Grace Kelly Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060322IR Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060322IR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060317IR
INDIE ROCK BANDS in the general vein of the Pixies, the White Stripes, the Flaming Lips, Interpol, the Arcade Fire, the Strokes, etc. are wanted by Director of A&R at an established Indie Label. They’d love to find a cool new band that is dramatic, eccentric, and witty, yet very accessible at the same time. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than March 17, 2006. TAXI # S060317IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060317IR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
I really enjoy these lyrics and melody. I recommend you add a bridge to this song.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great drumming. Some great lyrics. Some of the time, I just don;t know what you're trying to share with me. Try this: ask a friend if they understand your lyrics. Anything they don't get, explain. Now, see if you can rephrase the explanation into workable lyrics. I just made up that exercise. I hope it works!
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Awesome horns. This song rings true too. Maybe you could turn this song around and find some positive irony by the end.
On target for this listing
this has an appropriate indie style.
Overall Comments:
Michael, I really like your lyrics. You might want to try to introduce more contrast in your choruses. Generally the range and style of your chorus melodies may be too similar to your verses. Try to write a more positive spin into your lyrics. Your listeners will want to identify in a life-affirming way. An example might be Weezer's Beverly Hills. Rivers goes and on about how whack he is, but there's triumph in having an aspiration: "Beverly Hills, that where I want to be, Living like a celebrity..." You can be our favorite underdog, just remember to have subtle heroism in your subtext.
Bio Comments:
usually, I tell people to keep it simple and omit side projects and former projects, but I think it works to paint you as the indie Renaissance man archetype. Try to talk more about your big following and CD sales.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Songs need a more positive outlook.
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060317MR
An upbeat, fun, positive MODERN ROCK SONG is needed for a new teen horror film produced by the same company that has brought you Hustle & Flow, the Longest Yard, and Aeon Flux [to name a few]. Right now, they’ve temped in “Bridge And Tunnel” by the band the Honorary Title [found on their release “Anything Else But The Truth”]. So style-wise, they’re open to a great song from Indie Rock a la the Shins to Modern Pop a la Gwen Stefani -- that’s the range. Male or female vocals are OK. The song use is for a car scene -- the music will be coming from the car’s radio -- so your song must be radio friendly. Also: this scene takes place in the year 2000, so don’t submit songs that reference anything post-2000 [like a specific person, event, etc.]. In fact, a song with lyrics that does not name anything specific [name, place, event] will be much easier to use. The film’s synopsis: Christy returns to her hometown years after a car accident that permanently injured her older sister. Hau
nted by the accident in which she was the driver, she learns that her worst nightmares have either come true -- or are about to. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 2:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Friday, March 17, 2006. TAXI # D060317MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060317MR Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060317MR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock TAXI # D060310MP
A fun, upbeat, energetic melodic MODERN POP or ALT/MODERN/INDIE POP-ROCK SONG along the lines of Hilary Duff/Kelly Clarkson/Michelle Branch to Death Cab For Cutie/Rilo Kiley/The Shins is needed by the Music Supervisor of a popular cable TV show that takes place in a Southern California beach town. He needs a great song for the show’s upcoming 3rd season “teasers” -- the TV ads used to promote the series. Lyrically, your song must be about change or “it’s a new day” -- something along those lines. This reality show follows the lives of a group of teenagers, so your song must appeal to a young audience. Male or female vocals are OK. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 12:00 NOON, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Friday, March 10, 2006. TAXI # D060310MP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060310MP Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
TAXI # Y060302RP
An L.A.-based Production/Mgmt. Company is seeking ROCK/POP BANDS that have drive, determination, a great look, and a radio-friendly sound a la Third Eye Blind & Matchbox Twenty to Death Cab For Cutie & Sunny Day Real Estate. This co. has many indie & major-label contacts and has worked with artists such as Madonna to bands found on the Warped Tour. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. Please enclose a S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) if you would like a response. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than March 2, 2006. TAXI # Y060302RP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060302RP Status Forward
Song Names
Pre-Existing Condition
The Day After
TAXI # S060228SS
Outstanding SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la Ed Harcourt, Fiona Apple, Sufjan Stevens, Lisa Loeb, Conor Oberst, Aimee Mann, etc., are sought by Director of MAJOR Independent Publishing Company which is owned by and works closely with a large, well-known independent label. They’re seeking artists that are ready to be signed -- those that possess fantastic songs, a great image, and a unique voice. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 28, 2006. TAXI # S060228SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060228SS
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6 Music
6 Lyrics
6 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
" keep in my stomach, an ulcer of hope dripping with rage" vivid lines..!
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6 Music
6 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
6 Engineering
6 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
"microscopic swirl, macroscopic world, just a drone inside the swarm" what does this mean?
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6 Music
6 Lyrics
6 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
"and even if I had a time machine I could never get it right " great line...The verse and chorus could use more melodic contrast.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Dear Michael: You have a distinctive flair you are developing here. There are some very clever lines such as "I follow the pathways, but they always converge at the same place the road not taken is just the same as the usual way" for eg. But then some lines such as "when I close my eyes, motionless and safe I make up a smell, I make up a voice, I make up a name" it's hard to understand what you are getting at. With so many thoughts in one song it gets a little convoluted and hard to follow. There are some unique fresh ideas I would just try and simplify whenever you can. Again in The Day After the lyric gets so abstract and vague it's hard to get a "feel" of what the singer is trying to get across. Satellite has a great concept, and some clever lines. You leave out of the story what happened to make the break which is part of the story... Simplicity and clarity are friends of the songwriter.
Bio Comments:
Great photo, very eye catching. The bio works but reads a little long. I would add some reviews to give it more bang for the buck if you can.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Lyrics could be more cohesive and main melodic hooks could be a bit stronger for this high bar pitch.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 219
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060227AR
ALTERNATIVE/INDIE ROCK SONGS in the vein of the Arcade Fire, the Secret Machines, the Postal Service, Broken Social Scene, etc. are wanted by a Major Publisher to pitch to major label artists. They want songs that have a left of center sound yet are still quite catchy, hook-filled, and radio friendly. Superior songwriting is a must. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 27, 2006. TAXI # S060227AR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060227AR
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Beautiful melodies and lyrics. You might try to tighten up the vocal doubles timing and pitch. The CH vox feel a little rushed.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Again I felt that the chorus phrasing was a little ahead of the beat. A tambourine could be great in this chorus.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
9 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
After the fourth line of the bridge you might try going back to the chorus. It's smart to end with the hook.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, It was a pleasure listening to these tracks. Your lyrics are original, thought and image provoking and inspirational. Well done. You might work on tightening up the vocal a bit. They feel a little messy at times. Keep a close ear on your timing, you have a tendency to get ahead of the beat which does not help establish the groove. I think with a little work these songs could be real contenders so keep up the good work.
Bio Comments:
You might want to include some info on your live show experience. When, where, crowd size, fan base, etc.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Not hook driven enough.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060223IP
Eclectic INDIE POP/ALT. ROCK ARTISTS a la the Shins, the New Pornographers, Death Cab For Cutie, the Arcade Fire, Spoon, etc. are wanted by the President of an Independent Publishing Co. He’s looking for quirky, left-of-center bands that not only have great material for Film/TV projects, but also have what it takes to succeed on the next level [he’s seeking an artist to take to a major label]. Having a completed CD is a bonus, but not necessary. Broadcast quality is preferred, but very good demo quality is OK. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 23, 2006. TAXI # S060223IP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060223IP
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
5 Music
5 Lyrics
4 Marketability
5 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
4 Lead Vocal
There's a nice basic structure here, musically. Melodically, your vocal delivery is a little too monotone and I would've liked it if it was a little bit more dynamic. Lyrically, I found the imagery that you've painted in your verse to be a little too blatant and bland and coupled with the fact that you are directly involved in and with the subject make this one feel a little too over personalized... which in turn doesn't always make it easy for the listener to personalize what it is that you've written... which is one of the most important things that a song needs to accomplish within the listener.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6 Music
4 Lyrics
4 Marketability
5 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
5 Lead Vocal
Musically... I felt that the chorus needed a stronger set up from verse to chorus. Lyrically... you give your state of being in ALL of your verses yet no real sense of what put you there and even though your verses are worded differently from one to the other they aren't giving off or saying enough different on the overall topic. Try to be forever expanding on the overall topic from verse to verse by treating your verses more like you would if you were writing chapters in a book that continually expand on the overall topic from one to the other.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
5 Music
5 Lyrics
5 Marketability
5 Arrangement
5 Production
5 Engineering
5 Musicianship
5 Lead Vocal
Lyrically.... a song is a very personal thing that needs to also appeal to the masses if a career is wanted by those who are writing them. I've got to be honest with you and let you know that this one just wasn't luring me in and retaining my attention as it's not saying that much. Agaibn... you give your state of being"... yet nothing about WHAT put you in that state. HOW did it come to be?? WHY are you there? I'm not saying that you've got to answer these questions in your verse to give them more depth as much as I bring them up to show you one way to possibly go into depth.
in the genre
Overall Comments:
Michael... you've got some nice ideas going on here musically that show an okay sense of how to put a song together. Lyrically, I felt that there was a common thread throughout each of these songs which was a lack of depth in your verses. Even though your verses were/are worded differently... they aren't saying or giving off enough different... as per my thoughts and comments to the left. Try to be forever going into depth and utilize the chorus to really wrap up what it is that the verses said in an impacting way. Also, I'm going to bring up something that is usually a touchy subject with singers but if i didn't I wouldn't be doing my job here at TAXI in trying to help you out. So here goes without trying to offend you in anyway, shape, or form. But you are are not always singing in pitch and your delivery is a little too droney and monotone and I would like to suggest some vocal coaching in order to help you out with this issue.
Bio Comments:
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
for all the reasons listed in this critique.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 41
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # Y060222SS
MODERN SINGER-SONGWRITER SONGS [w/ vocals -- no instrumentals] a la David Gray, Elliott Smith, Fiona Apple, and Damian Rice are wanted by an award-winning Producer of a new Independent Film. She needs well-crafted songs with poignant lyrics and strong, beautiful melodic themes. IMPORTANT: You must own/control 100% of your song’s publishing rights. ALSO: The music supervisor is coming into TAXI to screen the submissions herself, so you songs are going directly to the source. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are fine). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Feb. 22, 2006. TAXI # Y060222SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060222SS Status: Forward Song Name: Satellite
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060222SS Status: Return Song Name: Grace Kelly
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060222SS Status: Return Song Name: Thundarr
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060215AR
Unique and exciting ALTERNATIVE/INDIE ROCK ARTISTS a la the White Stripes, Giant Drag, the Shins, PJ Harvey, Rilo Kiley, etc. are wanted by A&R Executive at Major Label. He’s on the lookout for the big story of 2006/7 -- the next set of great Alternative bands that will make a difference. Artists with extensive touring experience and regional following are welcome, but not the entire story -- he’s interested in an artist that has it. Needless to say, we’ll need to be selective with this one. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 15, 2006. TAXI # S060215AR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060215AR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The verses work really well, lyrically and melodically. The song could be strengthened by a more clearly established chorus. You could try, for example, to repeat the line "I learned to run away before I could crawl " at the end of the three chorus lines. You could also vary the melody and take it to a slightly higher register to make it stand out more,
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The verse and the chorus work well. A new melodic and musical part, which takes us away from already established chord structures, could add a new dimension to the song.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great first line. You could repeat the line "it'll never be the same without you" to make the chorus a little more hooky and obvious. To keep the momentum of the song moving forward more you could try and shorten the second verse. Great outro. The song could use a short bridge.
On target for this listing
Indie/alt rock - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, your songs feature good musical and melodic parts. The musicianship is solid. The lyrics are definitely a strong point and suck the listener right in with their original imagery and quirkyness. The vocal delivery could be improved upon. The slightly detached delivery suits the material well in most parts, but you tend to stay in the same register throughout the songs. Going to a different vocal register (higher or lower) could really add a new dimension to the songs. You could do that in the already existing sections or you could add some short bridges, which could help with breaking the songs up and keeping the listener focused and engaged (please also see the comments underneath the individual songs). I wish you good luck with evrything.
Bio Comments:
The bio reads well. It would be a good idea to add some info about live gigs in the bio.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
The material needs a little more work.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 226
TAXI # Y060215SS
Eclectic yet radio-friendly SINGER-SONGWRITER/AAA SONGS along the lines of Beck, Fiona Apple, and Aimee Mann are being sought by a Major Publisher to pitch to major artists. Extremely catchy melodies and cohesive lyrical imagery are essential. This is one of the biggest and most powerful publishers in the world, so we’ll need to be very selective in what we forward. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Feb 15, 2006. TAXI # Y060215SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060215SS Status: Forward Song Name: Satellite
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y060215SS Status: Forward Song Name: Thundarr
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060215MR
A wide range of MODERN/INDIE ROCK SONGS & INSTRUMENTAL TRACKS from the Shins to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Weezer to Beck to Radiohead, etc., etc. are needed by the Music Supervisor of an Independent Film about an Indian-American female college graduate living in Texas and pursuing her own path as a young adult. Think “Ally McBeal” but instead of being set in a law office, our main character has just taken a job at a video game software company. Whenever a crisis occurs in her life, she finds a solution in vivid daydreams, which are in the style of the Indian movies she loves [Jayapradha films]. Musically, he doesn’t want anything “too hard” -- mid-tempos may work best, but all tempos are OK. License fees are negotiable. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time (California time), Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006. TAXI # D060215MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060215MR Song Title: Grace Kelly Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060215MR Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060215MR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060210IR
A U.K.-based Music Publisher is seeking INDIE ROCK-POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the general vein of Modest Mouse, Belle & Sebastian, the Magic Numbers, Rilo Kiley, the Shins, Superchunk, etc. for placement in film/TV/media projects. They work with BMG USA and are in the process of opening a New York office. They offer various types of deals -- exclusive, single song, and straight licensing -- and are very well connected in the international market. Great musical and vocal performances are a must! Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time (California time), Friday,
Feb. 10, 2006. TAXI # D060210IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060210IR Song Title: Thundarr Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060210IR Song Title: The Day After Status: Forward
Company: Constant In Opel Music
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060210IR Song Title: Satellite Status: Forward
Company: Constant In Opel Music
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060206MR
Commercial-sounding MODERN ROCK BANDS a la the Killers, the Bravery, Rilo Kiley, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, etc. are being sought by the DJ of an established Podcast Internet Site [it’s one of the top indie/new music podcast programs with over 5000 subscribers]. They provide 12 new songs a week to their subscribers and include your info. as an artist on their website with links to sites like iTunes and CD Baby so listeners can buy your CDs. To ensure that the songs aren’t easily clipped/bootlegged, they talk about the artist over the very beginning and end of the songs -- in case you’re worried about such things. The site is devoted to bringing great new artists to those actively looking for new talent without having to sift through mountains of music to find the gems. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued b
y TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 6, 2006. TAXI # S060206MR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great melodies, and phrasing patterns. Very interesting lyrical content. If there were less syllables in the bridge it might flow more.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Another really cool track. If the chorus had a little more bottom end it could help it to feel fuller.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Excellent lyrics. Great drumming. Well done!
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, I always enjoy listening to your songs. I am always impressed by the lyrics. Very witty and original spin. I am happy to forward you along for this listing and wish you the best of luck. Keep up the good work, I look forward to hearing more from you in the near future.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
TRACK 3 ONLY. Excellent lyrics, playing and catchy melodies. Cool production.
Status: Forward (Satellite only)
Listener ID # 211
TAXI # S060203SS
A Midwest-based Indie Record Label with national distribution is looking for SINGER-SONGWRITER ARTISTS & SONGS from the Nick Drake school -- think along the lines of James Taylor/Joni Mitchell to Elliott Smith, Belle & Sebastian, Damian Rice, Sufjan Stevens, etc. They’re looking for great material for a comp. CD to pitch to film & TV projects, yet are also open to signing the right artist to a record deal. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 3, 2006. TAXI # S060203SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060203SS
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Things to love -- the first line of the song, which is the best first line I've heard all day here at Taxi. Also, the faux horn arrangement which hints at everything from the trumpets on "Ring Of Fire" to the horns on Al Green records to Herb Alpert. Your voice has that sort of nasal twang that the indie rockers love so much. It's all very appealing.
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
I can't even imagine the influences that went into this song. It doesn't really remind me of anything I can think of. The lyrical theme and imagery are really interesting, and your voice conveys so much emotion. Superb use of dynamics throughout the arrangement. Very exciting.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
This one sounds the most thoroughly contemporary of the three song you've submitted. The analog synth reminds me of something you'd find on a Weezer record (which I'm hoping you won't find offensive). Best of all is the lyrical imagery, which like all your material is really creative.
On target for this listing
Sounds edgy, distinctive and contemporary.
Overall Comments:
Michael - I've heard this material before, and every time I can help but be impressed by the scope of what you're doing. I love that you have an obvious awareness of contemporary music, but that you're also not afraid to inject older, more disparaging stylistic elements as well. Lyrically, the songs are really compelling. Often I have to encourage Taxi artists to become a little more imaginative with the mental pictures they're painting with their imagery, but that's not the case with you. It seems your imagination runs wild into all sorts of interesting and unexpected places, the mark of a truly distinctive artist.
Bio Comments:
Reads well, and you've got my favorite promo photo of any artists currently belonging to Taxi.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Really cool, original sounding material. Fits in nicely with the stuff currently popular with fans of "indie rock", and even manages to push the stylistic boundaries of that genre in new and exciting directions.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 79
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060203IR
A U.K.-based Publishing Co. is seeking INDIE ROCK SONGS [with vocals -- no instrumentals] a la the Shins, the White Stripes, Spoon, the Von Bondies, the Strokes, Interpol, etc., to sign to single-song agreements. Solid songwriting and great vocals a must! Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette or online, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 3, 2006. TAXI # S060203IR
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Good lyrics and original vibe. The song could be strengthened by a bridge which takes us away from the already established chord structures and the root note of the song. That way you could amend the arrangement with the new part and shorten the third verse to keep the momentum of the song moving forward more.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The final chorus "the bigger they are the harder they fall " is very strong - could you bring it in earlier as your main chorus and repeat it in the song? The song could have a shorter second verse and could use a bridge to keep the listener engaged more.
On target for this listing
Indie rock - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, your songs feature original musical and melodic parts. Especially the lyrics are very unique and really paint an interesting picture. The musicianship and the vocal delivery are solid and suit the material well. The production is well-crafted and sounds good. The arrangements of the songs could be revisited to keep the momentum moving forward more, to pack more of a punch and to keep the listener engaged and focused (please see comments underneath the individual songs). I wish you good luck with everything.
Bio Comments:
You could add some info about live gigs to your bio.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
The material needs a little more work.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 226
TAXI # S060130SS
Unique SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la Sufjan Stevens, Elliott Smith, Cat Power, Grant Lee Phillips, Mark Lanegan, etc. are being sought by the DJ of an established Podcast Internet Site [it’s one of the top indie/new music podcast programs with over 5000 subscribers]. They provide 12 new songs a week to their subscribers and include your info. as an artist on their website with links to sites like iTunes and CD Baby so listeners can buy your CDs. To ensure that the songs aren’t easily clipped/bootlegged, they talk about the artist over the very beginning and end of the songs -- in case you’re worried about such things. The site is devoted to bringing great new artists to those actively looking for new talent without having to sift through mountains of music to find the gems. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 30, 2006. TAXI # S060130SS
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Unique idea that is presented well. Good structure, interesting style. Lines in the verses are different, and do create a nice sense of imagery. Intonation and cadence of this vocals adds to the interest. Hook is different memorable after one listen. Forward.
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Verses work well in this song. Nice creation of mood. Strong vocal, once again. Did feel that the hook of this song is Ok, but can be stronger, lyrically.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Verses are strong, and well thought out. Kept the interest of this listener. Vocals again work well. Change to this chorus (though subtle) works. Hook here is OK, but not quite as strong as the verses that do the setting up. Payoff can be stronger...hook wise.
On target for this listing
Singer songwriter
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael- Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your songs. all have a strong sense of style and solid structure working. I was really pulled in by "Grace Kelly", and I'm going to forward that song for this listing. It is unique, different, well structured, and has that memorable tag after one listen. Nice effort. In "The Day After" and "Satellite", I felt that the verses were stronger than the actual choruses. There was a good sense of structure in both, however, I didn't feel that each of the choruses was strong enough to carry the song. In other words, the payoff of the hooks can be stronger, for them to make an impact.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
The main reason you were or were not forwarded for this listing is:
**Forward One Song** Forward "Grace Kelly" only.
Status: Forward
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060125IR
A Midwest-based Indie Record Label with national distribution is looking for INDIE ROCK ARTISTS & SONGS with an experimental vibe a la the Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Pavement, the Pixies, Magic Numbers, etc. They’re looking for great material for a comp. CD to pitch to film & TV projects, yet are also open to signing the right artist to a record deal. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 25, 2006. TAXI # S060125IR
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
I wish you good luck with everything. Nice original vibe. Big ending. The song could be strengthened by a bridge which takes us away from the already established chord structures and the root note of the song.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Ok, now I heard this song yesterday for a different listing and it was in my head brushing my teeth this morning. I really like it. It still could be improved by a bridge, I think and feel.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Good lyrics. Nice "free" drum approach, really works. The outro choruses are strong - could you add one of those to the song earlier on? It could really benefit the song.
On target for this listing
Experimental indie rock - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, your songs feature unique and interesting musical, lyrical and melodic parts. The musicianship is very solid. The vocal delivery suits the material well. The production sounds good. The arrangements could be tightened up in places (and amended in others) to keep the momentum of the songs moving forward, to keep the listener engaged and focused more and to pack more of a punch (please see comments underneath the individual songs). A brief bridge to take one away from the already established chord structures and the root note of the song can be a good thing. I wish you good luck with everything.
Bio Comments:
You could add some info about live gigs (present and past) to the bio - especially for record companies it's good to know that you're a working band.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
The songs and the approach are good.
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