TAXI # S060905SS
Young. talented SINGER-SONGWRITER/POP-ROCK ARTISTS a la Teddy Geiger, Cheyenne Kimball, Dashboard Confessional, Michelle Branch, Bright Eyes, etc. are wanted by an established Management Co. that has discovered artists ranging from Jewel to Pseudopod. You must possess a lot of great - songs, looks, vocals -- to be considered. They prefer artists that are currently touring and building a solid fanbase. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include photo/bio/lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Sept. 5, 2006. TAXI # S060905SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060905SS
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Dig it. There are a couple of pitch issues with the vocals. Make sure the doubles are tight pitch-wise.
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Another cool track. I felt some slight timing issues between the track and the phrasing of the vocal. Feels a little rushed at times.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
I find myself singing this song quite often.
Not close enough to what listing asked for
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, It's not about the songs or the writing. I'm a big fan of yours. The only problem here is that we didn't hook up stylistically. Not close enough to the MAINSTREAM artists named in the listing.
Bio Comments:
Great pic and bio.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Music does not match genre requested.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060831IR
COLLEGE/INDIE ROCK BANDS a la Built To Spill, Death Cab For Cutie, Rilo Kiley, the Shins, the Ditty Bops, the Postal Service, etc. are sought by the Director of A&R at a Major Label. Looking for young bands that are hard-working, ready to tour non-stop, possess a great image, and can write amazingly catchy and cool songs. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette and include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Aug. 31, 2006. TAXI # S060831IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060831IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The lyrical imagery on this song is incredible. The hook line is also pretty hard to get out of one's head. I've always thought there need to be some sort of verse of instrumental section after the second chorus. By going back directly into another verse the structure feels just a little repetitious. That, however, is a very minor gripe. The song does seem to work well as is.
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
More incredible lyrical imagery and an analog synth line that recalls everyone from XTC to Weezer. Structure feels pretty solid. Melody line is totally addictive.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
It's hard for me to decide which of these songs I like best. The melody line on this one is irresistible, and lines like "even if i had a Marshall Stack I couldn't amplify your name" are priceless.
On target for this listing
Seems pretty darn appropriate for this listing.
Overall Comments:
Michael - I've run across this material quite a few times now and it never fails to impress me how distinctive it sounds. As I mentioned below, your promo photo is very unusual and highly distinctive as well. It's obvious that you're not running with the pack, that you've begun to establish a very unique visual and stylistic approach. I respect that very much. It's very easy these days to write and record material that sounds radio friendly but doesn't have any sort of personality. I get the feeling you'll never suffer from sounding typical. I don't think you've got it in you personally. I would love to hear what your stuff sounds like recorded on slightly more high fidelity equipment, although there's certainly nothing with the slightly ramshackle approach you're taking now. In fact, it might add even more character to your material. Lyrically, you are doing some incredibly fine work. Your themes are intelligent, interesting, and obviously very personal. I really enjoy heari
ng your stuff and look forward to hearing new tunes sometime very soon.
Bio Comments:
The photo is incredible. What sort of mask are you wearing. How did you ever come up with the idea to stage the photo in that particular way. It's looks very distinctive and is hard to forget. There might even be something vaguely sick about it, which of course makes it all the more arresting. Certainly not a typical promo photo, but one that seems to sum up your distinctive musical personality beautifully.
The main reason you were or were not forwarded for this listing is:
Love this stuff. It's unlike anything else I've heard at Taxi. In fact, at times it doesn't sounds like anything I recognize at all. I am very happy to forward you for this listing.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 79
TAXI # S060829SS
Amazingly talented SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la Alexi Murdoch, Beth Orton, Elliott Smith, Neko Case, Beck, Damien Rice, Pete Yorn, etc. are being sought by the Program Director of a remarkably influential L.A. radio station. He’s open to exceptional indie/unsigned music to break on the airwaves, but he mostly plays signed acts, so he’s asked us to be quite selective in what we forward to him. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are fine). Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Aug. 29, 2006. TAXI # S060829SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060829SS
Title: Thundarr
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The vocals draw the listener into the song nicely. The vocals bring some separation of the sections. Consider bringing in a musical hook that is stronger to really help with that distinction. The piano note progressions offer some good hints though the pattern changes within the verse a little too often for anything to form firmly.
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
A solid musical hook is brought into the song via the chorus through the work of the accordion. Any way to offer that presence into the main body of the song? The lyric content comes across as a little rushed in the chorus.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
6 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
The fuzzed out guitar work brings lots of cool sonics into the mix on this track. You may want to consider offering it more as a flair rather than a main player. For instance, bringing it into the verse or chorus only. It brings a very linear feel to this arrangement and things become a little predictable with its placement.
On target for this listing
Right in lien with submission request
Overall Comments:
Your vocals offer lots of presence for these songs, Michael. You have a good art for lyrics and good use of diverse instrumentation to bring lots of depth into these arrangements. One big thing missing for me is the use of hooks from both the musical and lyrical sides. You have some good hints at musical hooks, like the chorus on "Grace Kelly". Think about offering each of your songs that sort of powerful memorability piece. Your lyric lean towards the literary, Michael and for that sort of content I would suggest bringing in a lyrical hook that works in a counterpoint method by offering a simpler chorus with an easily digestible hook. "Grace kelly" uses the title repeatedly though the name may not be the type of thing to stick in ones mind. "Satellite" has the most prominent and best example of a powerful lyrical hook with the phrase "the bigger they are the harder they fall / but size never matters at the end of it all"
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
Sound is well recorded and produced
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Songs need further development to bring in stronger musical and lyrical hooks.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060828MR
The Creative Director for one of the largest TV Production Companies in the U.K. [they provide content to at least 10 different channels] needs a wide range of MODERN/ALTERNATIVE ROCK-POP SONGS [w/ vocals -- no instrumentals] ranging from Franz Ferdinand to the White Stripes to the Arctic Monkeys to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to the Shins, etc. They typically use existing music libraries for their music needs but want to create a library division of their own. All tempos are OK. Make sure your songs are sample free. If you were forwarded for #D060412MR, don’t submit the same material. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Aug. 28, 2006. TAXI # S060828MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060828MR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The slow and subtle power that comes through immediately in the arrangement matches the vocal delivery very well. The chord pattern in the fuzz style guitar performance offers lots for the rhythm section. Any way to bring in a musical hook that is a strong as your lyrical hook? Also, for the memory factor, the title is not well represented in the song. Consider bringing in a title that offers a path to the lyrical hook in order for new listeners to find the source after the first hearing.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
The arrangement brings in some diverse instrumentation which works to the overall good effect on this track. The organ input can easily be turned into a good musical hook. it makes an attempt though after its appearance in the chorus it tends to disappear. Even within the chorus the organ changes direction before locking the musical hook in. Any way to offer more of the simple note progression that the organ offers?
On target for this listing
Alternative Rock
Overall Comments:
The lyric content and vocal delivery match up nicely on these tracks, Michael. The lightly hesitant delivery offers lots of feeling within its almost deadpan manner. It works well in these tracks. the big thing missing for me is a musical hook. There are hints in both songs. Consider bringing in a stronger use of the musical hooks that are already in place. With a dominant musical hook firmly accounted for these songs will get the added branding that they need to be stuck in the ears and minds of listeners. As I mention, you may want to offer a more direct link to the title through the use within the lyric content.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
Sound recording is well produced and delivered.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Songs need further development to bring in stronger musical hooks.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060818IP
INDIE POP/ROCK SONGS [with vocals -- no instrumentals] a la Death Cab For Cutie, Of Montreal, Kaiser Chiefs, Imogen Heap, Stars, Phantom Planet, etc. are needed by the Music Supervisor who currently is working on numerous Network TV shows. She needs great, cool, vibe-y songs with general lyrics--nothing with specific names, cities, places, etc. She also asked us to be quite selective in what we send her. All tempos are fine. Male or female vocals are OK. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Friday, August 18, 2006. TAXI
# D060818IP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060818IP Song Title: Thundarr Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock TAXI # D060816AP
The Music Supervisor for an Independent Film starring three of todays’s funniest actors/comedians needs a wide variety of ALTERNATIVE/INDIE POP-ROCK SONGS [with vocals -- no instrumentals] in the general range of the Flaming Lips, the Shins, the Arcade Fire, Death Cab For Cutie, the Velvet Teen, Spoon, Neutral Milk Hotel, etc. etc. Male or female vocals are OK. Lyrically, the supervisor is open to almost all themes. The film has been sold/picked up for distribution, but now the songs they licensed for the festival circuit are too expensive to license now. They have a healthy budget for licensing music, but the songs they used originally [see above bands] are out of their reach now that the film has been sold [publishers get can get greedy =-) ]. The music supervisor is going to screen your submissions himself. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on
a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 2:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Wednesday, August 16, 2006. TAXI # D060816AP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060816AP Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060816AP Song Title: Pre-Existing Condition Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060816AP Song Title: Thundarr Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060815IP
Melodic INDIE POP/ROCK ARTISTS with crossover potential in the vein of the Shins, Modest Mouse, Death Cab For Cutie, the Arcade Fire, the Arctic Monkeys, etc. wanted by the Director of A&R at a cool Indie Label. They’re looking for career artists -- those that will be with us for years -- those with a great look, fantastic songs, and incredible, distinctive vocals. You must have your act together to be considered. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Aug. 15, 2006. TAXI # S060815IP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060815IP
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
9 Arrangement
9 Production
9 Engineering
9 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Great intro, Love the instrumentation and arrangement, the story is unusual and engaging however the lyrics in places can feel...
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Good lift in the choruses, I like the shift in rhythm, really helps the chorus pop
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
9 Marketability
9 Arrangement
9 Production
9 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Strong pop melodies and hook, I love the mellotron pads and horns
On target for this listing
Indie rock
Overall Comments:
Dear Michael, Your band, The Motion Sick has loads of personality and strong arrangement ideas. the lyrics break out of the usual topics and convey an engaging honesty but they seem to really hit their stride in terms of phrasing/ unique ideas and rhyme scheme in song 3 Satellite, this song also nails down an infectious pop hook and mixes it's punk/pop vibe with a full embrace. Satellite feels like it might make a strong template for future material. sng 1 cont... wordy, particularly in the last verse and bridge, which can start to drag the tempo of the song down. This song, Grace Kelly is very cool and it might be worth it to take another look at the lyrics, editing out extra syllables/ and or replacing longer words w/ shortened versions to make it easier to sing. For example: "The girl leaps from the platform, glides gracefully to her doom" to "She leaps from her platform with grace, down to her doom."
Bio Comments:
the bio is strong and the picture makes you want to look at it both work well
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
The songs are close but for an artist listing I need all 3 songs to be spot on
Status: Return
Listener ID # 174
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060810IR
An L.A.-based Production/Mgmt. Company is seeking ALT./INDIE ROCK BANDS that have drive, determination, a great look, and a radio-friendly sound a la the Arcade Fire, Death Cab For Cutie, Sleater-Kinney, the White Stripes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, etc. This co. has many indie & major-label contacts and has worked with artists such as Madonna to bands found on the Warped Tour. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Aug. 10, 2006. TAXI # S060810IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060810IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Cool vibe. I felt that you could strive for the vocal delivery to sit in the pocket more.
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Again the vibe is strong but there are some pitch issues with the vocals. Strive for a more confident vocal delivery.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Love these lyrics. Again keep a close ear on the pitch of the vocals.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, I really dig your stuff. I think that with some vocal performances that are a little stronger these songs could really go to another level, you've got a fan here. Best of luck.
Bio Comments:
The main reason you were or were not forwarded for this listing is:
Great melodies, production and lyrics.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 211
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060803MR
The host of a new radio show highlighting U.S. indie artists/bands is seeking a wide range of talented, commercially-viable MODERN ROCK/PUNK/COLLEGE ROCK/ALTERNATIVE ROCK BANDS & SOLO ARTISTS. In her own words: “I am seeking quality music for my new, weekly on-air Rock Radio Show with big-FM, the No. #1 CHR [Current Hit Radio] Radio Broadcast Network in Europe/Germany. The music must be from U.S. based Indie Artists, Bands and Singer/Songwriters who write and perform their own music, ready for commercial airplay. NO DEMOS. My demographic is huge: 18-34yr. olds, over 10 million listeners! Artists must have a full length recorded CD and be ready for major exposure. This is NOT an online, college internet radio program. This is big, commercial terrestrial radio that plays multi-platinum artists in this prime time slot. If selected, the Artist will have MAJOR exposure to millions of listeners and new fans instantly; be the FEATURED and ONLY Artist on the show (all about you!); an
d big-FM will dedicate an entire official webpage on their site for the duration of the week your song/feature show is aired, of which they receive thousands of hits! If you think you are the NEXT BIG, HOTTEST INDIE ARTIST ready to have major exposure, this is your opportunity to be heard! We are NOT accepting unsolicited material. Through TAXI and your assurance of quality music, we will accept those submissions only.” She asked us to be quite selective in whom we forward to her. Broadcast quality needed. If you’re submitting a CD, make sure it’s your full-length release, per the above instructions. If you’re submitting online, have your full-length CD handy in case they’re interested and contact you. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include bio/photo. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Thursday, August 3, 2006. TAXI # D060803MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060803MR Status: Forward
Song Name:
Grace Kelly
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060726AR
Unique yet commercially appealing ALT. ROCK/POP ARTISTS in the general range of Death Cab For Cutie, Wolfmother, She Wants Revenge, the Killers, etc. are sought by the Director of A&R at Major L.A. label. You have to show that you’re a major label artist in the making -- great over-all sound, hook-filled material, etc. Evidence of a regional audience is a bonus. Needless to say, we’ll be quite selective with this one. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 26, 2006. TAXI # S060726AR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060726AR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
There is a good sense of imagery in certain lines in this song. (walk/moonlight + thousand letters + roll eyes/grandma). Mood is created nicely in the verses. Release to this Ch is a bit along the subtle side, And I feel, can be more dynamic (as we release). Chorus is Ok, but can be stronger. and more "memorable" as a hook, for this song to stand out.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
6 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Certain Verse lines (again) are well thought out..and (again) have a strong sense of imagery for this listener. Hook however, can be stronger (as a "payoff") in this idea. As I write this, I am trying to recall the CH lines and I cannot.
On target for this listing
AAA Modern
Overall Comments:
Hello Michael- Thanks for the opportunity to listen and offer my opinion. You do have a strong ability to set up and create mood in both songs. Also there is keen wordplay working (along with strong imagery), and this makes for an interesting listen as well. Nice effort. However, I do feel that your choruses (in both songs) can be stronger, as well as more memorable "hook wise" for the listener. Stronger payoffs, I believe, can help to make the choruses more effective.
Bio Comments:
Ok the "Spin" win...any quotes from the piece? If so, add them!
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
There is a solid sense of mood creation(with use of melody) and strong imagery (with lyrics in the verses). However, the choruses in both songs can be reworked, to make them more memorable (hook/tag wise). Stronger, more memorable choruses can help to take this band/these songs to another level.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 169
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