SOUNDALIKE SONGS WITH FEMALE VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTALS a la “The Crane Wife 3” by The Decemberists are needed immediately by a Advertising Agency who is launching a National Ad Campaign for a product targeted toward women’s health. The song referenced is the specific song they like for this concept, but are primarily referring to the intro and the build from a simple acoustic arrangement to a more full band sound. They like the simplicity shifting toward a more intense tone - all with a positive, emotional, inspiring, pure and honest overall vibe. If your song has lyrics, they would like to focus on certain catch concepts and phrases - i.e. gaining freedom, getting my life back, living life to the fullest, moving forward, etc. While the referenced song is sung by a male vocalist, they only want to hear female vocals on this one since the product is targeted toward the female consumer. They would also like to hear Instrumentals with a sound like the referenced song minus the vo
cals. They’re not interested in anything that’s too overproduced - very simple and authentic is all that’s needed. Performances must be excellent and lyrics (if there are any) need to be right on target in order to be considered. Recordings must be Broadcast Quality (great home recordings should be just fine). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received by Noon PST on Wednesday, September 10, 2008. TAXI #D080910TV
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080910TV Song Title Losing Altitude (Instrumental)
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 27
MYSTERIOUS SOUNDING INSTRUMENTALS in a variety of styles are needed by an East Coast Music Library/Publisher who has signed and placed dozens of TAXI songs over the past several years. He's looking for a wide variety of stylistic approaches, but the tone should be similar to what you might hear on "Unsolved Mysteries". He needs tracks that range from orchestral arrangements to cutting edge/current arrangements that set the right tone for a criminal/investigative TV series. The tracks should be between 1:00 and 3:00 long. If he likes your track and is interested in offering a deal, he may also request :30 and :60 edits. He requests that your pieces have clear endings, no fadeouts. Excellent performances are necessary. Broadcast quality is required [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 18, 2008. TAXI #S080718MI
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080718MI
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem (Instrumental)
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
n/a Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
n/a Lead Vocal
Hey Michael - Nice tune here. It starts off good for this listing and
haunts well. The chorus becomes a bit happy sounding and kind of
gets out of the mysterious mode. Nice playing on the track
Status: Forward Return
Hard to classify
Again 1st half is good the chorus and end of song takes on a different emotion.
Overall Comments
I can understand why you pitched this here. It does hold some musical elements that could support this listing. I encourage you to be a bit more
critical of "marrying" your piece to the listing though. It might not be as much fun - but will prove to get you more forwards and thats what we want. So hold
that high bar to your pitches Michael.
Sound Quality
Not great, but clean enough for this listing
Well recorded, mix is a bit unglued sounding. A little overall compression maybe?
The main reason(s) you were not forwarded for this listing is:
B section of song takes on an emotion outside of the listings requirements.
Listener ID # 44
HAUNTING MUSIC IN ANY GENRE/STYLE - similar to the soundtrack for the film "Mulholland Drive" - is needed by an established Independent Music Publisher. This Publisher has tons of Film/TV placements and has signed dozens of TAXI writers. He is open to any genre or style, as long as the overall tone and mood is haunting. Another reference might be "Twin Peaks", but he's not looking for music quite as quirky as what's in that film. He'd like to hear slight overtones of Arabic music, similar to the soundtracks that have been referenced above. Songs with vocals and instrumentals will both be considered. Excellent performances are necessary and the recordings must be broadcast quality. The President of this company will be screening the submissions himself. This company splits the license fee with you 40/60 [that 60% is for you] and doesn't take any publishing. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM
TAXI - and must be received by July 23, 2008. TAXI #Y080723TV
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080723TV
Title: Jean-Paul (Instrumental) Status: Return
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem (Instrumental) Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
INDIE POP BANDS & ARTISTS a la Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Broken Social Scene, The Apples In Stereo, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elf Power, etc. are needed by an established Indie Record Label/Publisher. This label has a solid US and International presence and is truly focused on the independent musician & they cater to their specific needs. They're focused primarily on adding to their publishing catalog for Film/TV placements, Ads, Video Game placements and Indie Comp CDs. However, their label is quite successful and they are looking to add to their roster at this time. They're looking for bands and artists to sign to both publishing and record deals, so please don't forget to attach your PHOTO & BIO. Broadcast/Master quality is necessary, but excellent home recordings should suffice. Please submit 2-3 songs online or per CD, include PHOTO/BIO. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than August 27, 2008. TAXI #S080827IP
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080827IP
Title: Jean-Paul Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives Status: Return
Listener ID # 226
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080618SS Song Title Losing Altitude
Status: Forward Return
Listener ID # 101
SINGER/SONGWRITER SONGS are needed by the Music Supervisor and the Producer of a Feature Documentary a la "What The Bleep Do We Know". The Music Supervisor will be screening this material himself. He's looking for a variety of material, from simple acoustic guitar/vocal to fully produced tracks. This is a broadcast quality listing, so the performance needs to be excellent - but if the arrangement is sparse, that's just fine. Lyrically, he's primarily looking for songs that have positive messages and songs about change. He's really wanting to find poignant, emotional material for this film. No artist references were given for this listing, as he's open to a very wide variety of material, but a timeless and/or current sound would be advisable. Male or female vocals are just fine. The budget is TBA, but there will be modest Master/Sync fees paid if your song(s) are used. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. If you already submitted to D080514SS, it would be advisable to submit different material for this listing. All submissions will be screened by the Music Supervisor here at TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES - and must be received by June 18, 2008. TAXI #Y080618SS
The Music Supervisor of an internet trailer campaign for an indie film needs a MODERN/ALTERNATIVE SONG a la GREEN DAY'S "BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS." He needs a song similar in vibe, tempo, and lyrical content. Male vocals preferred, but he's open to the right female vox as well. While the Green Day tune is the song being replaced for this spot, he'd actually like something a bit hipper and indie - think, more Modest Mouse or the Shins or the Arctic Monkeys. They're offering $6000-$7500 for this cue. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 2:00pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Friday, Nov. 16, 2007. TAXI # D071116AR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D071116AR Song Title: Some Lonely Day
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
HIGH-ENERGY ROCK INSTRUMENTALS are needed by the Music Supervisor for an Independent Feature Film about a spoiled Beverly Hills debutante (early 30's) who is sent by her dad to the desert to look for fictitious treasure. Instead, she finds romance and discovers herself. In tone & style, they are looking for a "Legally Blonde" vibe with a comedy-romance-adventure blend. These instrumentals will be for driving/car scenes, the male character and the biker characters. The overall tone should be more "gold-digger" youth than country-in fact, NO COUNTRY is desired here at all. Guitar-driven rock, melodic hooks and high-energy adventure/action should be the focus. Think adrenaline, male youth and excitement - nothing too dark. License fees are negotiable. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4pm Pacific Daylight Time (California time), Monday, January 21, 2008. TAXI # D080121RI
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080121RI Song Title Some Lonely Day (Instrumental)
Status: Return
Listener ID # 169
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080121RI Song Title The Owls Are Not What They Seem (Instrumental)
Status: Return
Listener ID # 169
INDIE/ALT ROCK ARTISTS/BANDS in a general range from Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, etc. to Rufus Wainwright, Simeon Mobile Disco and Kooks are wanted by a Manager who has a co-venture with a prominent Publisher aggressively looking to sign new acts. The manager will be screening these submissions. Great songs, energy and vocals are a must! A strong bio and photo are absolutely necessary! Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets and photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than 4pm Pacific Standard Time on Monday, January 21, 2008. TAXI # D080121AR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080121AR
Title: Jean-Paul Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives Status: Forward (forwarded to Razor and Tie)
Listener ID # 244
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem Status: Return
Listener ID # 244
Cutting edge yet accessible INDIE ROCK ARTISTS a la Animal Collective, Caribou, the Flaming Lips, Bjork, Broken Social Scene, the Secret Machines, the Decemberists, etc. are sought by President of successful Music Library/Publishing Company with extensive film and TV placements (Kill Bill 2, the Punisher, Las Vegas, the Shield, Bones, One Tree Hill, Van Wilder 2 + many more). He's not just looking for someone with one great song -- he wants artists with numerous place-able tracks so he can pitch them [songs & as an artist] to various film/TV/commercial projects. Catchy hooks & melodies and smart/clever lyrics are all essential. Make sure you have both clean and instrumental versions of your songs available upon request by the company. Broadcast quality needed [excellent sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 25, 2008. TAXI # S080125IR
30 Lives, Jean-Paul & Losing Altitude, were forwarded to Choicetracks for listing # S080125IR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080125IR
Title: Jean-Paul
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
i dig this. very garage-y. although i can't really hear all the lyrics i can pick up the general vibe loud and clear. you really should include a lyric sheet for all submissions. band has a good emotional sound. performance is strong and purposeful. production works well, too. song is a bit long but, it's a good 'un, nice job all around.
Status: Forward
Title: 30 Lives
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
i dig this one, too. i especially appreciate the use of the classic I-VI-IV-V rock'n'roll chord change. it does exactly what it is supposed to do. good cheery vibe, and a nicely eclectic companion to JEAN-PAUL. band sounds real good again. however, no lyric sheet. words do sound good though, and that is the most important part. what i can discern though, i like
Status: Forward
Title: Losing Altitude
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
9 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
9 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
this is my favorite of the three. i can even hear most of the lyrics. i love the chorus. very catchy, very emotional. band sounds terrific here. i really like the melodies throughout as well as, yes, the lyrics. nice arrangement, cool outro. another winner. nice work, everybody.
Status: Forward
On target for this listing
bulls eye. right on target
Overall Comments
hey there michael -- this is great stuff. it is very tuneful and emotional, very purposeful & very creative. i like the way the three songs work together, and i am as sure as i can be that this will be well received. i think this is definitely a band with a future. the band has a nice variety of styles and colors that hold together by virtue of the band's artistic persona. the playing is sympathetic and just raw enough. however, at the risk of repeating myself yet again, you really should include a lyric sheet with all submissions, it is just too difficult to grab them sufficiently in the amount of time we have with each submission. all in all, a great job by everyone. i look forward to hearing more from the band in the future. good luck and thanx for the submission
Sound Quality
recording is fine
The main reason(s) you were forwarded for this listing is:
i am forwarding this because it is on target for the submission. it is also original & emotional. very well done.
Listener ID # 256
A wide range of great-sounding AMERICANA/ALT. COUNTRY-ROCK SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the range of the Old 97's, Lucinda Williams, Wilco, the Flying Burrito Brothers, Dillard & Clark, the Jayhawks, etc. are sought by a West Coast-based Music Publisher who typically supplies music to companies such as Muzak (tracks for retail shops, restaurants, malls, etc.). He's been expanding his repertoire and wants to find great material for TV projects, as he has numerous contacts in that world as well. Male or female vocals are OK. He's asked us to be extra selective in what we forward - he wants quality over quantity - so your vocal and instrumental performances must be excellent. No profanity or uncleared samples. He offers numerous types of publishing deals. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 31, 2008. TAXI # S080131AM
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080131AM
Title: Walk on Water
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
N/A Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Pretty good song in the end result - some well written parts and well-played music. However, I think where this really doesn't quite meet the criteria of this listing is where the vocals are concerned - they aren't bad per se, but they really don't hit that "excellent vocal performance" as specified by the listing criteria.
Status: Return
Title: Tiny Dog (Nobody Cries)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
N/A Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
Again, a very well-written song musically and performed quite well on all fronts except the vocals. I think more attention needs to be paid to accurately hitting the notes that will fully communicate the melodies throughout the song. For example, "you just stare at the mirror, wonderin' if you belong," seem to almost shift from a melodic vocal to a nasal non-tune midway through the line, and ultimately falls flat on "belong." Just needs more attention towards an "excellent" vocal performance.
Status: Return
On target for this listing
Stylistically this is a match for this listing.
Overall Comments
Thank you for submitting your material for this Song Listing. As I stated in the individual song comments, I think that these tracks have some really interesting and well-played parts, I just think that, especially for a listing this particular about quality, you've got to bring the level of your vocal performance up a bit. I would spend a little time with a piano, play through the song and find the most complementary notes available, harmonize along and see what comes of it. Aim for hits!
Sound Quality
Recording is Broadcast Quality.
The main reason(s) were not forwarded for this listing is:
I'm returning these songs because I think that this group needs to raise the level the vocal performance on these songs in order to meet the full criteria of this Song Listing.
Listener ID # 242
INDIE POP ARTISTS in the general vein of Belle & Sebastian, Rilo Kiley, Earlimart, Grandaddy, Eisley, the Shins, Bright Eyes, etc. are sought by the General Manager of very successful Independent label with major label distribution. He's seeking young, talented, hard-working artists with incredible vocal and songwriting chops. Proof of CD sales/regional following is a huge plus. Please submit two to three songs per CD/online, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 4, 2008. TAXI # S080204IP
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080204IP
Title: Jean-Paul
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
6 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Good energy. The first verse works well, but you could vary the melody in the second verse to keep the listener engaged more. The song could be amended by a new bridge, which could take us away from the already established chord structures and the root note of the song (e.g. after the second chorus). You could also shorten the solo and the down section to keep the energy moving forward more. You could end the song at the energetic peak to pack more of a punch.
Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Cool intro - nice sentiment. Good verse melody. You could take the chorus to a new chord progression (away from the root note) to make it stand out more. The bridge/chorus/outro works well.
Status: Return
Title: Tiny Dog (Nobody Cries)
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The intro sets the mood well. Nice dynamic build throughout the verse and pre-chorus. You could start the chorus on a different chord to make it stand out more - for the same reason, you could take the ending "But nobody cries when you pack up, walk out the door" also to a new chord progression.
Status: Return
On target for this listing
Indie Pop - on the mark.
Overall Comments
Hey Michael, this is interesting new material - it seems you have changed the style a bit - these songs seem to be more influenced by ballads and songs of the 50's and early 60's, yet you give them a modern twist - the approach works. The vocal delivery suits the material well. The musicianship seems tighter than before - cool drum work especially. The production sounds good, too.
You could tighten up some of the arrangements to keep the momentum of the songs moving forward more. You could also revisit some of the choruses to make these most important parts stand out more - please take a look at the comments underneath the individual songs overleaf for details.
I wish you good luck with everything.
Bio Comments
The stats are impressive, though you could add more info about live gigs/touring, Internet presence (buzz), plus you could include press cuttings, if possible.
The main reason(s) or were not forwarded for this listing is:
The material needs some more work regarding the songwriting.
Listener ID # 226
COUNTRY/ALT COUNTRY SONGS (Male or Female) in the range of Ryan Adams, Wilco, Gretchen Wilson, Big & Rich, etc. are wanted by a well-established Music Supervisor for licensing/placements on a major cable network TV series. A "gritty" pop-country sound, with down to earth and "edgy" lyrics are what's sought after here. The show is a comedy centered around the matriarch of a wealthy Texas family and the problems they incur due to their wealth. Lyrics don't have to be specific to this story line, but it may help you to select the most appropriate material. All tempos are okay, but uptempos are definitely preferred. Both male and female vocals are just fine. This is a broadcast quality listing, so be sure the recording sounds excellent! Please submit 2-3 songs online or per CD, include lyrics. As usual, you will be notified by email if you were Forwarded or Returned. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than 4pm PST on Monday, Mar. 3, 2008. TAXI #D080303CO
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080303CO Song Title Walk on Water
Status: Return
Listener ID # 252
Youthful and talented ALTERNATIVE/MODERN ROCK BANDS/ARTISTS in the general range of Modest Mouse, the Shins, Death Cab For Cutie, Paramore, the White Stripes, Jimmy Eat World, the Killers, Foo Fighters, Muse, the Silversun Pickups, etc. are being sought by the VP of A&R at a Major Publishing Co. Great writing chops and amazingly unique yet accessible vocals are essential. She'd love to find an artist that also has a strong local/regional following, but it's not necessary. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Feb. 22, 2008. TAXI # Y080222AR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080222AR
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem Status: Return
Title: Some Lonely Day Status: Return
Listener ID # 198
MODERN POP/HOT AC SONGS in the general range of Rob Thomas, Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks, Blake Lewis, Natasha Bedingfield, etc. are sought by the Sr. VP of Creative at a large Independent Publisher. He's seeking great hit songs to pitch to today's biggest Pop/Hot AC stars like those mentioned above. Amazing lyrics, hooks, and choruses are all essential. Please submit one to three songs per CD/online, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 15, 2008. TAXI # S080215MP
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080215MP
Title: Losing Altitude
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
My first challenge here, is to imagine a Motion Sick song being covered by one of today's top modern pop/Hot A/C artists : ) But, you know, this is not that bad a pitch for that style range. Plus, I get to hear a new song from your repertoire (at least new to me).
Status: Return
On target for this listing
more or less in the range
Overall Comments
Michael, OK, now that I'm over the surprise of hearing a Motion Sick song pitched for Rob Thomas, e.g., let me start over & listen again : )
There's definitely strong imagery here. What about the HK? Is "I'm losing" enough to help make this a 'hit' in today's highly competitive market, e.g.? In some ways this comes across as a very personal story/song. Would another artist be able to do it justice?
Bio Comments
n/a - altho I remember it quite well : )
The main reason(s) were not forwarded for this listing is:
As a new Motion Sick song, I love it : ) However, that also makes it very difficult for ME to hear it as a possible pitch for one of today's modern pop/Hot A/C artists. Great imagery, e.g., but is there enough of a lyrical or melodic HK work for Hot A/C radio? And for a high bar listing, & for someone I know, I need to be more sure of those answers.
Listener ID # 111
INDIE/ALT ROCK, COACHELLA-WORTHY ARTISTS/BANDS in a range from Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, etc. to Rufus Wainwright, Simeon Mobile Disco and Kooks are wanted by a Manager who has a co-venture with a prominent Indie Record Label based in NYC who is aggressively looking to sign new acts. The manager will be screening these submissions. Great songs, energy, vocals, and the desire to tour, tour, and tour some more are all part of the criteria here. A strong bio and photo will be an absolute must! Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets and photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Mar. 4, 2008. TAXI # Y080304IR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080304IR
Title: Jean-Paul Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives Status: Return
Listener ID # 244
A range of great-sounding ROCK-POP INSTRUMENTALS [no vocals] are wanted by a U.K.-based Music Library/Publishing Co. for TV placement. Style-wise, think the softer/lighter side of Rock and the harder/heavier side of Pop - that range. They don't want tracks that sound like they were obviously MIDI generated - authenticity and great performances are the keys. Both instrumentals with lead melody lines and basic backing tracks that serve as "soundbeds" are OK - they want both. All tempos are OK. Track length should be in the 1:00 - 3:00 range. At this point they work mostly with prominent U.K. TV channels such as the BBC and ITV, but also supply music to other production companies that broadcast worldwide. If forwarded for D071025RP, please do not submit the same material. They offer non-exclusive, 50/50 deals. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Mar. 6, 2008. TAXI # S080306RP
Your song(s), 30 Lives (Instrumental) & Losing Altitude (Instrumental), were forwarded to Platinum Music
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080306RP
Title: 30 Lives (Instrumental)
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
Pretty good stuff, especially for this listing. Not exactly standard Rock music, but I think the listing is broad enough to allow for your style. Recording is solid and sounds professional. Pretty good stuff.
Status: Forward
Title: Losing Altitude (Instrumental)
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
9 Musicianship
An excellent submission for this listing. Music has dynamic, complementary contrast as an instrumental and I think this is really a very wise and appropriate submission for this listing. Not much to say beyond: good job.
Status: Forward
On target for this listing
Excellent submissions for this listing - covers the, "softer/lighter side of Rock and the harder/heavier side of Pop" - and a consistent style between the two songs.
Overall Comments
Thank you for submitting your stuff for this listing - I think your stuff is great! I'm fairly certain that I've screened you before, but I have to give you some credit for doing what I've never understood some of our better groups NOT doing - Instrumental versions! Your songs translate well in the form and I think you've got a very solid shot here. Hope it works out for you...
Sound Quality
Broadcast quality recording.
The main reason(s) you were forwarded for this listing is:
I'm forwarding these tracks because I think that they are ideal for this Instrumental song listing.
Listener ID # 242
ALTERNATIVE ROCK/AAA BAND a la Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire, Polyphonic Spree, etc. is sought after by the General Manager of a very successful Independent label with major label distribution. Your overall vibe should be very unique, yet commercially appealing and viable.Emphasis is placed on commerical potential, excellent live performance abilities, established fan base, Internet presence and work ethic - you MUST be a hard-working, touring band in order to be considered. Having a completed CD is certainly a bonus, but not necessary. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 29, 2007. TAXI # S080229AR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080229AR
Title: Satellite
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Hey, I remember this song.. still good. They've asked me to be extremely selective with what i send through and in this case I think that some of the vocal performance needs a little work. Love the words... keep at it man!
Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
New song! I wish you would have doubled the vocals on the B section. maybe some harmonies or something. It just feels a little flat, energy wise. I like that you are staying true to your style. The chorus could be made more discernable. Is that a cheat code for a video game that you're chanting??? I don't know if that makes me or you a bigger nerd?!?!?
Status: Return
On target for this listing
Overall Comments
Hey Michael-
I'm going to keep this critique simple and to the point. The bottom line here is that the hooks aren't quite big enough. We're really looking for those over the top Polyphonic type melodic hooks here. You've got the flavor and the skills I just think you could put more effort into the choruses. I remember feeling this way about some of your other songs too. Great verses and words... needs more oomph in the hook. I would also like to suggest that you could a little more over the top with your styling. It seems to want to go in that direction. If you could infuse your 50's style melodies with more modern incarnations I think you could end up creating something really special. You;r on the right track I just think you need to think a little bigger.
Bio Comments
good bio and photo
The main reason(s) you were not forwarded for this listing is:
choruses are not identifiable enough. the melodies could be bigger and more memorable.
Listener ID # 211
Young, exciting, talented, and driven INDIE POP/ROCK ARTISTS a la Giant Drag, Silversun Pickups, Earlimart, Sleater-Kinney, the Get Up Kids, Superchunk, the Cold War Kids, etc. are wanted by the Head of A&R of a LA-based Indie Label. They're definitely willing to develop a bit, but to be considered, you must have a great sound, songs, and image. A cool back-story won't hurt either. Evidence of a growing fan base and touring experience a bonus. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Mar. 10, 2008. TAXI # S080310IP
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080310IP
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Strong mood creation with the use of melody, working together with the vocals. Good song structure here, and we have a nice releasing of this CH. Saying this, actual hook/chorus lines can be stronger/more unique. Lines now ("I won't let you run/no one can help you escape") are Ok, but too common to stand out.
Status: Return
Title: Some Lonely Day
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
I do like the performance here (again), and the use of melody working together. Structure (once again) is solid, and the releasing of the chorus works very nicely. Melody line is repeated well, and is infectious. Hook here is OK, but can be stronger. The different "closing lines" in each can be consolidated so that the "hook" is more memorable (as a whole).
Status: Return
On target for this listing
Pop Modern AAA w/retro feel.
Overall Comments
Hello Michael-
Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your songs and to review them for this Taxi Listing. Vocals (you?) working together with your use of melody, do set up and create a strong sense of mood in each idea. Like the structure, and how you set up and release the hooks. Nice use of sectional contrast between the parts of V+CH. OK, the tough part...lyrics, and in particular, the hooks/payoff lines. In "Owls" the tag lines are OK, but too common to stand out (run/escape). In "Some" the choruses each have different "closing lines...they can be consolidated into one, to help make the hook more memorable.
Bio Comments
Impressive bio with many awards...but let's start off with names of the band members...who's in this band? Who plays what? And the singer is....? Playing out now? Reviews of the current shows?
The main reason(s) you were not forwarded for this listing is:
The performance, use of melody, and actual song structure in both ideas is strong as well as effective. However, the choruses can be reworked a bit in both songs. In one, lines are a bit too common; in the other, there can be some consolidation of the "3" different ending lines in the 3 choruses.
Listener ID # 169
EMO ARTISTS a la Melee, Augustana, Dashboard Confessional, Plain White T's, We Shot The Moon, Sherwood, etc. are sought after by an Indepent label in Japan. Emphasis is placed on commerical potential, excellent live performance abilities, established fan base, Internet presence and work ethic. Having a completed CD is certainly a bonus, but not necessary. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Thursday, March 13, 2008. TAXI # S080313EM
Name Michael Epstein Listing # S080313EM
Title: Jean-Paul
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
There are some really good lyrics here. You might try to aim for more of a scene change between the verse and the chorus through the melody and music. A little more lift could create more momentum and excitement for the listener.
Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Love the fifties feel. I guess you do have a bit of Buddy Holly in you. Great post chorus instrumental and bah bah bah hook! That really takes this song to the next level. Have you thought about incorporating more vocal harmonies?
Status: Return
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem
N/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
The music makes the jump for the chorus but I don't think that the vocals are following enough. Obviously they are headed in the right direction but I still think that you could lift a little higher with the melody.
Status: Return
Not close enough to what listing asked for
Indie Rock.
Overall Comments
Hey Michael-
Couple of things here. I really like where you're headed stylistically. I really hope you take this to another level. You have some moments but i still don't think you have fully captured it. I hope that doesn't bum you out, I just think that you have a lot of talent and would love for you to find that something that would propel these songs to the next level. I think a lot of it falls on the choruses which in my opinion are not as strong as the verses. Aim for more melodic release! Something that really opens up, invites a sing along and simple put, feels great. You're headed in the right place, I just think you need to be more hook driven.
Bio Comments
good bio
The main reason(s) you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Music does not match genre requested. Could use more hook development. The chorus melodies aren't selling the songs enough.
Listener ID # 211
CONTEMPORARY, QUIRKY & FUN SONGS WITH VOCALS are needed by a high-profile Music Supervisor for a Major Network TV SERIES that revolves around the main character who suffers from amnesia, forcing her to find out who she really is. These songs could range from "left of center" Indie Pop, Alt Rock, Singer-Songwriter, etc. to a more obviously comedic lyrical/melodic approach. While the lyrics should be light and playful, they shouldn't be too specific in terms of story line or a progression of events. A universally fun tone should be the primary focus, lyrically and musically. The musical tone should be current-sounding and the performances must be excellent. Male or female vocals are just fine. This is a broadcast quality listing, so be sure the recordings are great. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received by Noon PST on Friday, April 18, 2008. TAXI #D080418TV
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080418TV Song Title 30 Lives
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080418TV Song Title Walk on Water
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
INDIE ROCK SONGS a la The New Pornographers, Spoon, The Shins, Wolf Parade, The Arcade Fire, etc. are wanted by a well-established Music Supervisor for a major network TV series. The plot of this series revolves around a lawyer who is forced to take care of one of New York City's wealthiest families. Lyrically, the options are wide but you may want to consider the plot or focus on a universal theme so as not to interfere with the primary story line. All tempos will be considered, but uptempo is definitely preferable for this one. This is a broadcast quality listing, so be sure the recording sounds excellent! Performances must also be solid, of course. Please submit 2-3 songs online or per CD, include lyrics. If you submitted to D080304IR, you may wish to submit different material for this listing. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than April 9, 2008. TAXI #Y080409IR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080409IR
Title: 30 Lives Status: Return
Title: Losing Altitude Status: Return
Listener ID # 270
ALT ROCK/INDIE ROCK BANDS/ARTISTS are wanted by the World's Leading Independent Developer and Publisher of advanced video game software and systems. They want Bands/Artists that have some touring experience and have a professional sounding CD, for video game/project placement and licensing. They're very open to a wide variety of Alt/Indie Rock music, but the quality of the songs and the performances should be solid and current. Lyrically, they're open to any content as long as it's well written. Any style and all tempos will be considered, as they're just looking for standout talent. Male or Female vocals are acceptable. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. Include photo, bio, and lyrics. If there are any links to your website, please include those in your bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than April 16, 2008. TAXI #Y080416AR
Your song(s), Jean-Paul & Losing Altitude, were forwarded to Electronic Arts for listing # Y080416AR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080416AR
Title: Jean-Paul Status: Forward
Title: 30 Lives Status: Return
Title: Losing Altitude Status: Forward
Listener ID # 258
SINGER/SONGWRITER-POP SONGS (Male or Female) are wanted by a well-established Music Supervisor for a cable network TV series. This show tackles the issues and experiences that the families of soldiers might face. Lyrically, the possibilities are broad but you may want to focus on material that talks about long-distance relationships/heartbreak/"missing you"/life vs. death/etc. to stay along the lines of the show concept. They are looking for all tempos, but would like a more "pop" sound sonically. They are definitely open to both male and female vocals for this one. This is a broadcast quality listing, so be sure the recording sounds excellent! Please submit 2-3 songs online or per CD, include lyrics. If you already submitted to D080303SS, you may want to submit different material for this listing. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than April 8, 2008. TAXI #Y080408SS
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080408SS
Title: Walk on Water Status: Return
Title: Losing Altitude Status: Return
Title: Tiny Dog (Nobody Cries) Status: Return
Listener ID # 219
INDIE ROCK SONGS that are "blog friendly" and "under the radar" are sought after by the President of an LA based Music Publishing company, for Film/TV placements. He's looking for anything that falls within the range of Distortion to Dance, Neo-Folk to Retro Soul. You could think in the general range of music that's currently popular on blogs: Stereogum, Good Weather For Airstrikes, Brooklyn Vegan and Music For Robots. More references might be Vampire Weekend, Hot Chip, Noah and The Whale, etc. These submissions will be screened by the President of this company. He splits the license fee with you 40/60 [that 60% is for you] and doesn't take any publishing. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS -NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received by April 21, 2008. TAXI #Y080421IR
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080421IR
Title: Jean-Paul Status: Return
Title: 30 Lives Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
SONGS OF PEACE IN A TIME OF WAR, in any style/genre, are needed by a Music Publisher who has signed dozens of TAXI songs/writers, for a Compilation CD to raise social awareness through music. This compilation CD will run through a major retailer and will also be used for non-profit purposes. There will be a very fair financial compensation given to each artist/writer who contributes music. The President of this company will be screening these submissions himself. He's looking for lyrics that approach the topic of war in a personal and introspective way, as opposed to some type of political platform. He'd like these songs to explore issues such as the emotional affects of any war in one's country, the soldiers with children and the spouses left behind. A poignant and personal lyric could cut through for this listing, along with an appropriate musical setting. While the musical style/genre is open on this one, be sure the performances are excellent and that the tone really compliments the lyric content. He wants the "real story", so don't be afraid to get inside the lives of those who are on the frontlines in more ways than one (soldiers, women, children, parents, etc.). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. As usual, you'll be notified by email whether your submissions are returned or forwarded. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received by Noon PST on Wednesday, April 30, 2008. TAXI #D080430HA
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D080430HA Song Title My Country
Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
FEMALE ROCK SONGS a la The Donnas, Kittie, L7, Bikini Kill, Veruca Salt, etc. are needed immediately by the Music Supervisor for a new cable TV Reality Show that revolves around the family of one of America's most recognized stars. He's looking for uptempo primarily, but may be open to midtempo as well. The primary focus is the attitude of the lyrics/melody - everything from rebellion and anger to having fun/partying and getting into trouble. He might even be interested in a few tender/vulnerable lyrics about chasing dreams or falling in love. He ONLY wants songs with FEMALE VOCALS, for this listing. All recordings need to be broadcast quality, but excellent home recordings should be okay as long as they sound great! If you submitted to D080502RK, you may want to submit different material for this listing. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received by May 28, 2008. TAXI #Y080528RK
Name Michael Epstein Listing # Y080528RK
Title: White Light (by Blitzkriegbliss) Status: Return
Title: Hold On (by Blitzkriegbliss) Status: Return
Listener ID # 274
****************ORDERING CHANGED HERE*****************
A West Coast Music Licensing Co./Library that has had placements on ABC, CBS, FOX, MTV, the WB, and the CW [plus cable TV placements) is in need of cool INDIE ROCK SONGS (with vocals - no instrumentals) for the upcoming TV season. In their own words: “Busy music licensing company is seeking music to submit for Fall TV shows. Music needed is fun quirky indie rock, like The Polyphonic Spree (music doesn't need to sound just like the Polyphonic Spree but must be fun and unique). Music can also be in a quiet style like Sufjan Stevens or Bonnie Prince Billy (Will Oldham), or more guitar driven like The National. Please do not send music that won't work for national television (cussing, too random, or poorly recorded). We are interested in both male and female vocals. Musicians must be willing to sign an artist friendly, non exclusive contract, which shares fees and royalties 50/50. Musicians keep all rights to their music." They asked us to be super selective when screening
the material for them - they want songs that truly would be on the radio, given the chance. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Monday, July 23, 2007. TAXI # D070723IR
(Your song(s), Satellite, were forwarded to Blue Scout Music for Dispatch
>listing # D070723IR!)
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D070723IR Song Title Satellite
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 211
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070629MR
Young, exciting, and very commercial-sounding MODERN ROCK BANDS a la the Killers, Oasis, Snow Patrol, the Smashing Pumpkins, Muse, Radiohead, etc. are wanted by the Head of A&R of a LA-based Indie Label. They’re definitely willing to develop, but to be considered, you must have a great sound, songs, and image. A cool back-story won’t hurt either. Evidence of a growing fan base and touring experience a bonus. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 29, 2007. TAXI # S070629MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070629MR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
Ya know, for some reason the whole time I listened to this I kept waiting for a big chorus hook to arrive and knock me over the head, and unfortunately, it never came. Thing is, what's written is INCREDIBLY catchy, but it does feel like the arrangement's building to some big emotional payoff, and it never seems to arrive. Would it be outrageous to suggest you come up with a truly anthemic sounding chorus hook to follow the "I learned to run away" section. I think that'd really put this song over the top. Seems like a lyrical bridge section could easily be adapted to the arrangement as well.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
I kid you not about this. There have been a few nights when I've woken up with this song running through my head, which certainly must be a testament to how catchy the bugger is. Hot stuff! Cool beans!
On target for this listing
Hard to classify
Works within the context of the artists mentioned in the listing, although I worry that you might even be a little too adventurous for their tastes.
Overall Comments:
Michael - Well, howdy doo. It's been awhile since I've been able to screen any Motion Sick material. I think you guys have a great band, and I'm well aware that you're also hard workers, so it's really just a matter of whether or not you're right for the listing stylistically, and in this case I believe you possess all of the necessary attributes.
Bio Comments:
I've seen the crazy photo enough times that's it's initial shock appeal has worn off. Still think it's one of the best band photos I've seen in recent years, though.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Quality material, exciting musical performances, distinctive sounding recordings.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 79
(Your songs Pre-Existing Condition, Satellite were forwarded to Retone
>Records for listing # S070629MR)
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070615IR
INDIE/ALT. ROCK ARTISTS along the general lines of Modest Mouse, Death Cab For Cutie, the Raconteurs, the Arcade Fire, the Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party, etc. are sought by an A&R Exec. at a Major Label. He wants bands with commercial potential - great songs, amazing vocals, cool image, touring experience, internet presence, etc. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 15, 2007. TAXI # S070615IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070615IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
9 Marketability
9 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
9 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Strange & compelling lyrical theme, supported by an equally strange & compelling musical arrangement. Excellent!
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
10 Lyrics
10 Marketability
9 Arrangement
9 Production
9 Engineering
9 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
This one is instantly recognizable and memorable. I think it's a hit. The horns at the bridge add a great hook!
On target for this listing
Intelligent, unique modern pop.
Overall Comments:
Hi Michael, thanks again for the opportunity to listen to your great music! I really love Satellite, great lyrics & musical influences (do I hear some Flaming Lips buried in there somewhere?) I would love to hear this one on the radio, it's a memorable song. Grace Kelly is dark & wonderful (Because she wants to be remembered in traumatic, haunting dreams of Boy Scouts and field trips; watching midgets and madmen rush onto the scene). Great stuff...go out there and sell some records!
Bio Comments:
Bio has solid information about the band & current achievements. Very attractive to A&R.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Michael, it's my pleasure to pass these along. All the best!
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 250
(Your songs Grace Kelly, Satellite were forwarded to Universal Republic
>Records for listing # S070615IR)
Great sounding RETRO-ish ROCK SONGS (with vocals - no instrumentals) with a good amount of edginess a la Jet, the Black Crowes, Stone Temple Pilots, Nickelback, Audioslave, Cracker, Lenny Kravitz, etc. are needed by the Music Supervisor of a new premium cable TV series. It’s a sophisticated comedy-drama about a Los Angeles-based writer who whose life is filled with raising his 13-year old daughter, trying to rekindle the relationship with his ex-girlfriend, and living the fast lane lifestyle (women, drugs, nightlife, celebrities). The main character is cool, handsome, and sharp-witted - think modern day Jim Morrison. He’s in his early 40s, so his taste in music gears toward modern bands who are influenced by and pay homage to the “classics” - Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors, Pink Floyd, Iggy Pop, etc. - while still sounding very contemporary. Lyrically, they’re open, but themes pertaining to the above character and show descriptions will be helpful. Male or female vocals are O
K - all tempos are fine as well. Great performances are paramount, of course. Make sure you own the publishing/master rights to your songs. Broadcast quality needed - Great sounding home recordings are OK. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Tuesday, June 12, 2007. TAXI # D070612RK
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D070612RK Song Title Satellite
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 250
(Your song(s), Satellite, were forwarded to Picture Tunes Music for
>Dispatch listing # D070612RK!)
Name Michael Epstein Listing # D070612RK Song Title Thundarr
Status: Return
Listener ID # 250
(We listened carefully to your song(s) listed below, but unfortunately,
>it wasn't right on target for Dispatch listing #D070612RK:
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070611IR
INDIE ROCK ARTISTS with a unique-yet-accessible sound a la the Arcade Fire, Feist, Band Of Horses, Shiny Toy Guns, etc. are sought by an Indie Label known primarily for producing film soundtracks but is expanding to sign individual talent as well. A great look/image is important and you MUST be a working band - touring, fan base, evidence of CD sales, internet presence, etc. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 11, 2007. TAXI # S070611IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070611IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
Too bad Mika beat you to wider acclaim with this title !! : ) CH is simple & to the point, so very memorable, but not really with a lot of contrast to the VS. Lyrics are great, albeit a bit on the dense side, so how they're sung has a lot to do with how much the listener can hear & take in, esp on a first listen & without the benefit of the lyric page.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Something about this arrangement makes for a more pleasing & engaging song overall for me (in fact, I think you usually put it first in your submissions?). Perhaps it's also because it reminds me of Cardinal, or maybe because YOUR sound is now part of what's popular, which is a very good thing : ) This song definitely seems on target for this listing to me AND very marketable in today's 'indie pop/rock genre.'
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hi, Michael; I think you're right on target for this listing (as you usually are, as I get the sense you're VERY discerning, which serves you well). From your band name, to the 'sound' of your band to the lyrical topics. And the even better news to me is, the music you've been making the last coupla years has come to the forefront of music with the success of the Arcade Fire & Modest Mouse, e.g. So if a label wants to hear a strong act in that general indie rock style, I think The Motion Sick should be considered. Best of luck !!
Bio Comments:
I'm always impressed by your bio; you're obviously very hard working & dedicated - love the pic, too : )
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
This is one of my fave 'indie rock' bands here at TAXI. And with the success of The Arcade Fire & Modest Mouse I feel their style could be very marketable &, hopefully, successful right now as they seem very hard working & dedicated to their music to me, not to mention talented, too : )
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 111
(Your songs Grace Kelly, Satellite were forwarded to Playtone Records for
>listing # S070611IR)
TAXI # D070601FR
FEMALE ROCK - from Alt./Indie/Modern to Hard/Metal - are sought by an established Music Library/Publisher that has worked with TAXI for years for potential placement in film/TV/commercial projects. In particular, they need music for Women’s UFC-type TV programming (UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship), so they want some “girl power” material for “fighter entrance” music. Think along the lines of Sleater-Kinney, the Donnas, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Elastica, L7, Babes In Toyland, Hole, Kittie, etc. They’re pretty open lyrically, but themes such as fighting, female empowerment, violence, etc. will work best. No love songs, please. =-) Great performances are essential. Female vocals only and no instrumentals, please. They offer exclusive deals. Your songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground sub
missions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (California time), Friday, June 1, 2007. TAXI # D070601FR
Dispatch Listing Feedback
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070601FR Song Title: White Light
Status: Forward
Company: Transition Music
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # Y070523AL
A wide range of ALTERNATIVE ARTISTS/BANDS are sought by a successful MANAGER with a tremendous track record - he’s helped secure major label deals for 7 different artists. Now he’s seeking new talent to nurture and take down the same road - to a major label deal. He’s not too genre-specific, but is NOT seeking Urban, Country, New Age, Jazz, or Christian artists. Instead, think artists like Modest Mouse, Muse, Sufjan Stevens, Mars Volta, Scissor Sisters, Gnarls Barkely, the Kooks, Ryan Adams - that’s his general range. Tremendous songwriting is obviously important, but so is evidence of fairly extensive touring experience and following, even if just regional [a bonus if you have a completed CD]. Distinctive, powerful, and dramatic vocals are a must. The manager will screen your submissions himself. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions
, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than May 23, 2007. TAXI # Y070523AL
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y070523AL Status: Return
Song Names:
Grace Kelly
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070515IP
Melodic INDIE POP/ROCK ARTISTS with crossover potential in the vein of the Shins, the Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, Death Cab For Cutie, the Arcade Fire, the Arctic Monkeys, etc. wanted by the Director of A&R at a cool Indie Label. They’re looking for career artists -- those that will be with us for years and have a great look, fantastic songs, and unique/distinctive vocals. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 15, 2007. TAXI # S070515IP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070515IP
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
The lyrical imagery is really poignant in this song. Love the way the arrangement ebbs and flows dynamically. Vocal sounds very expressive. Memorable chorus hook. Great stuff.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
9 Production
9 Engineering
9 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
My favorite Motion Sick song. Has a killer melody line that I often walk around singing to myself long after my shift at Taxi is over.
On target for this listing
Seems very appropriate for this listing.
Overall Comments:
Michael - It's always a good day when I get to hear stuff by the Motion Sick. You're definitely one of the best and most distinctive sounding bands currently submitting to Taxi. Seems like your stuff works well within the context of the artists mentioned in the listing, that you've got a distinctive visual aesthetic, and that you're committed to doing what it takes to get your music to the people. I'm very pleased to forward you for this listing.
Bio Comments:
Reads well. Photo looks very distinctive.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Great songs, a distinctive sounding stylistic approach, and plenty of visual appeal.
Status: Forward ATO Records
Listener ID # 79
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # S070507SS
Youthful-sounding, MTV-like SINGER/SONGWRITER SONGS a la KT Tunstall, Teddy Geiger, Michelle Branch, Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, Regina Spektor, Nellie McKay, etc. are sought by the Music Coordinator of a Cable TV reality series about the making of a Pop band. Male or female vocals are OK - great performances are essential. No lyrical restrictions, but no profanity or uncleared samples. Mid- to up-tempos only. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 7, 2007. TAXI # S070507SS
Song and Demo Feedback
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070507SS Song Title: Satellite
The company your song has been forwarded to is: MTV
On target for this listing
fairly close to Sufjan
Good music in verses
Good music in choruses
Hook not obvious enough
Well-written structure
a bit more contrast might be worth exploring if you ever re-record this
Good use of imagery
Too abstract
Vocal does not help to sell song
abstract, but the phrases stand on their own quite well ... vox are a bit flat & nasally sounding, but that's not necessarily a bad thing for your peer group : )
Can't determine title by listening
Could appear in a more strategic place
Doesn't repeat enough
the title's only at the beginning & end of the song?
Overall Comments:
Hi, Michael; I always enjoy hearing this song & always hope it's a good fit for the listing : ) In this case I think you're more or less on target stylistically, altho I'm going to listen carefully to the lyrics to see if they're a good fit for this specific show. While I don't hear any particular themes or phrases that sound like a perfect fit a show like this, I do sense ennui behind this song/track & think your peers would relate very well to that !! : )
Overall Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
6 Engineering
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
I like this song a lot ... & even tho I feel it could be done slightly better, I do feel that the audience for this should have no problem identifying with it as is as there are many elements that are very modern & very much of this era of music. So since it's not a super high bar listing I'm willing to take that chance : )
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 111
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070423IR
Unique and talented INDIE ROCK/POP ARTISTS along the lines of Ivy, Stars, Bettie Serveert, Arcade Fire, Pavement, Built To Spill, etc. are wanted by Director of A&R at an established Chicago-based Indie Label. Touring experience and established/growing fanbase are also part of the equation. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than April 23, 2007. TAXI # S070423IR
Artist Feedback
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070423IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Very cool.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
This is my fav. I also really like Thundarr
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, Great stuff. I haven't heard it in a while. Good Luck. Thanks for the listen.
Bio Comments:
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
On target!
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070410IR
Left-of-Center INDIE ROCK ARTISTS in the vein of the Arcade Fire, the Decemberists, Spoon, Of Montreal, the Flaming Lips, Broken Social Scene, Sparklehorse, etc. are wanted by A&R Exec. at well-established Independent label. He wants to find a cool, young band/artist with great hook-filled songs, unique-yet-commercial vocals, and a strong fan base. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than April 10, 2007. TAXI # S070410IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070410IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Good idea for a song - might consider changing the name, since there's a song on the radio with the same title.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Good lyrics. I think the 2nd half of the verse could be a pre-chorus with different chords and melody from the first half of the verse.
On target for this listing
In the arena of what the listing is asking for.
Overall Comments:
Michael - I think you write some very clever, unique, and intelligent lyrics. You also have a interesting sound and style to your vocals. In Grace Kelly I think that there are some awkward vocal rhythms. It sounds a bit like you wrote the lyrics first and are trying to make them fit the music. You could try writing a melody to the music that really works and then editing the lyrics to fit the music, so that the phrasing is consistently musical. In Satellite it feels to me like there could be one more line in the chorus. It could be in between the repetition of the "every depressing song" lyric - or if it's after, you could try changing the melody more when you repeat the line the 2nd time. As I mentioned before - I think that Satellite could a new musical section for the 2nd half of the verse, because the repetition make the verse feel a little long to me.
Bio Comments:
Great bio - let's us in on all the exciting news surrounding the band.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
I think the songs are good, but I don't think the melodic writing is as consistently great yet as the lyrics are.
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # Y070329AP
The Music Supervisor for an Independent Film starring three of todays’s funniest actors/comedians (Jack Black, Ben Stiller, and Andy Dick) needs talented, cutting edge, melodic & commercial-friendly ALTERNATIVE/INDIE POP-ROCK BANDS in the range of the Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, the Rapture, the Shins, Gorillaz, the Arcade Fire, Muse, Death Cab For Cutie, the Kooks, the Arctic Monkeys, and Spoon. Bands with female lead vocalists are fine as well. They want to find the right band (or possibly multiple bands) to provide much of the film’s music. The music supervisor will screen your submissions himself. No need to submit the same material forwarded for D070309AP. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics as well as photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Subm
issions must be received no later than March 29, 2007. TAXI # Y070329AP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y070329AP Status: Return
Song Names:
Grace Kelly
Pre-Existing Condition
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D070319IR
INDIE-ALTERNATIVE ROCK/POP SONGS along the lines of the Shins, the Feeling, Modest Mouse, the Apples In Stereo, Death Cab For Cutie, etc. are needed for a young GROUP by the President a super-cool Indie Label with great distribution. All tempos are OK. Think songs that lean toward pure Power-Pop, but with an edge. Great hooks and memorable choruses are essential. Lyrically, he’s open to just about all themes. They’re heading into the studio very soon, hence the need for material ASAP. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Monday, March 19, 2007. TAXI # D070319IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070319IR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070319IR Song Title: The Day After Status: Return
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070319IR Song Title: Pre-Existing Condition Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D070315AP
A Midwest-based Music Production Co. that provides music for major TV/Radio commercials/ads is seeking “quirky” INDIE/ALTERNATIVE POP-ROCK SONGS (with vocals - no instrumentals) along the lines of the Apples In Stereo, OK Go, the Vines, Beck, Liz Phair, the Teddybears, Gorillaz, etc. A few of the clients they’ve recently worked for: Hummer, Killians, JC Penney, Coors, and Micheloeb. They need to build up their in-house “bank” of great tunes for their clients’ numerous upcoming projects, so they’re looking to quickly license material from up-and-coming cool indie artists. They want “ear candy” Alt. Rock: songs that are very poppy, sing-songy, and melodic. They’re open to songs that are edgy with a retro vibe; positive and upbeat; and/or kind of silly, but in a cool way. Song lengths don’t matter, but your song’s hook should happen early on. They’re open to all lyrical themes. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online o
r per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Thursday, March 15, 2007. TAXI # D070315AP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070315AP Song Title: Satellite
Status: Forward
Company: I Dig Music
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070307IR
Young, exciting, talented, and driven INDIE POP/ROCK ARTISTS a la Giant Drag, Silversun Pickups, Earlimart, Sleater-Kinney, the Get Up Kids, Superchunk, the Cold War Kids, etc. are wanted by the Head of A&R of a LA-based Indie Label. They’re definitely willing to develop, but to be considered, you must have a great sound, songs, and image. A cool back-story won’t hurt either. Evidence of a growing fan base and touring experience a bonus. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than March 7, 2007. TAXI # S070307IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070307IR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Nice verse melody. The chorus is memorable. You could go into a new bridge section after the second chorus to keep the listener engaged more by introducing a new melody and chord progression (and maybe different key). After the new part you could shorten the last verse, but end the song as you do - it is very strong, emotionally and dynamically.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great lyrics. Good verse melody. You could shorten the 2nd verse to keep the momentum of the song moving forward more. The outro chorus "the bigger they are the harder they fall " is very hooky - could you bring a shortened version in earlier (e.g. after the firs verse/chorus)? It could strengthen the song.
On target for this listing
Indie pop/rock - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, your songs have a unique and quirky vibe and feature good musical and melodic parts and memorable hooks. The personable vocal delivery suits the material well. The musicianship is solid, tight fitting and inventive (is that a mellotron in the "Satellite" chorus?) and the production sounds good overall. The songs could be tightened up and amended in places to keep the listener engaged and focused more and to keep the momentum moving forward more (please see comments underneath the individual songs for details). I have heard these songs before, but I haven't heard anything new from you for a while - are you working on new material? Don't understand me wrong - the songs you are presenting are good, but it seems you're close to something that has to be defined a little more. Also - the touring might have added a new vantage point to your songwriting. I wish you good luck with everything.
Bio Comments:
You could flesh out the bio by naming some of the radio stations which have played your songs and some of the live venues (highlights). Apart from that, good stuff.
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
the material needs a little more work.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 226
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D070301IR
Upbeat, fun, energetic, youthful-sounding INDIE ROCK/POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the range of the Shins to Arcade Fire to the Arctic Monkeys to the Killers to the Red Hot Chili Peppers are needed by the Music Supervisor for a dating reality show/series broadcast on a huge Cable TV Network. Male or female vocals are OK. Great performances are essential. He’d prefer songs that don’t have fade-outs: he’d like songs with “musical stings” or that simply just end without trailing out (a “sting” is a sudden, short musical phrase accentuating something surprising, dramatic, climactic, etc.). It’s not mandatory, but it would help. No profanity of non-cleared samples. This show does not offer upfront license fees, but do indeed pay performance/back-end royalties. Since this show’s episodes repeat often (and are broadcast all over the world), these royalties can be substantial. Broadcast quality needed [excellent-sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online
or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Thursday, March 1, 2007. TAXI # D070301IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070301IR Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070214AL
Stylish, quirky, eclectic ALT./INDIE ROCK-POP SONGS with MALE VOCALS in the vein of Get Set Go, Beck, Arcade Fire, TV On The Radio, Of Montreal, Modest Mouse, etc. are needed by a Music Supervisor who currently is working on numerous Network TV shows that are known for the great & eclectic music they use. Amazing vocal performances are essential. Lyrical themes aren’t too important, but songs with general/universal lyrics will work best. We’ve been asked to be extra selective in what we forward to this company. No samples or profanity, please. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Feb. 14, 2007. TAXI # S070214AL
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070214AL Song Title: Satellite
The company your song has been forwarded to is: MMP
On target for this listing
Good music in verses
Choruses could be stronger
Hook not obvious enough
CH is a bit of a letdown for me melodically with such a strong VS preceding it
Well-written structure
Good use of imagery
Vocal does not help to sell song
altho vox are a fairly close fit for this particular genre (esp w/the artists cited in the listing, who are not exactly the best singers : )
Good title
Can't determine title by listening
Could appear in a more strategic place
Overall Comments:
Hi, Michael; I always enjoy hearing the songs of The Motion Sick & always wish there were more listings that fit them. And this MAY be one that does !! You're definitely in the style range of the acts referenced in the listing; & remembering your bio & press I know that you're getting coverage where they would, too. Prob the biggest diff between your trk & one of theirs is the size of the recording budget (which means yours MIGHT sound a bit more prof, but then again, Modest Mouse doesn't always sound exactly stellar, do they ??).
Overall Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Every time I hear this song I wish for an appropriate listing for it. Well, I think this might be it. While I can't say they're the strongest vox I've heard, they DO fall within the range of the artists cited & the rest of the trk sounds quite rich in general, not to mention very quirky : )
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 111
TAXI # Y070205RK
Management Co. with strong ties to major & indie labels wants to find amazing ROCK BANDS/ARTISTS to expand their roster in early 2007. They’re open to hard-working, serious, talented artists that fall in styles from Indie to Modern/Alt. to Hard Rock. If they sign you to their exclusive management deal, they will help develop your look/sound and produce a new demo/video/press kit so as to effectively shop you to their label contacts. Already having a strong fan base and touring experience is a plus. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include photo/bio (very important). All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Feb. 5, 2007. TAXI # Y070205RK
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y070205RK Status Return
Song NameS:
Grace Kelly
The Day After
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070116AP
ALT. POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS that mixes great song structure, smart lyrics, and killer riffs a la Panic! At The Disco, OK Go, Scissor Sisters, Orson, and Under The Influence Of Giants are wanted by the President of an Artist Mgmt. Co. to represent for film/TV/video game/commercial placement. The perfect submissions will mix 1970’s Pop/Rock a la Steely Dan and Hall & Oates with contemporary sounds and effects. He doesn’t want dated-sounding material - it must sound fresh and modern. The company’s owner will come in to screen your submissions. They offer a very artist-friendly non-exclusive licensing deal. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 16, 2007. TAXI # S070116AP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070116AP Song Title: Satellite
On target for this listing
Right in lien for submission request
Verses could be stronger
Choruses could be stronger
Memorable "hook"
The musical hook is memorable, The method of delivery is not quite on the same path to the memory banks. Think about bringing in a stronger presence for the musical hook by allowing each instrument to have its own role.
Good Sectional Contrast
Clear separation of sections helps to offer distinction and definition to the track
Good use of imagery
Communicates emotion to listener
Vocal does help to sell song
Lyric content provides a clear and consistent picture for the narrator to bring to life.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 216
Good title
Excellent use of title in creating a musical hook.
Overall Comments:
The new wave feel and tone on this track ad lots of tone and texture early on. the guitar effects create a solid soundscape. The guitar work becomes less of an effect with its use in the track in such a consistent manner. For instance, the horn sounds that you employ come in as cool flairs and flavors. consider offering the guitar effects in the same form for its use to remain an effect and not a form for the song. Also, the musical hook may have a better foothold if it is distinguished from the rhythm section. Currently, the guitar work mirrors the role of the bass line creating the same note progression for both instruments. Any way to separate their roles in a clearer form?
Overall Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
6 Production
7 Engineering
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Song needs further development to allow effects to remain as effects and not as form. The musical hook needs to be given a more established placement by allowing only one instrument to bring it to the track
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070108MR
MALE INDIE/ALT. ROCK ARTISTS a la Beck, Radiohead, Pavement, Secret Machines, Modest Mouse, Spoon, Built To Spill, etc. are wanted by an Independent Label that specializes in film/TV placements [they do not distribute your record to radio nor for retail]. You must have a body of work -- not just one song -- to be considered. Those on their label are pitched individually to film/TV projects -- your songs aren't clumped together with other songs on a compilation -- instead, you're a priority. They're not looking for instrumentalists for this listing -- you must have full songs with vocals. Original material only. Broadcast quality needed - great sounding home recordings are OK. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/ bio/photo. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 8, 2007. TAXI # S070108MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070108MR
Title: Thundarr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Nice intro and verse melodies. The lyrics are splendid - very different. You could shorten the 2nd verse to keep the momentum of the song moving forward more. You could repeat the strong hook "I make up a smell, I make up a voice, I make up a name" after every chorus to make the chorus more memorable.
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Again, very interesting lyrics. The song works well up to the second chorus. Here. you could add a short bridge (instrumental or with a vocal melody) in a different key to keep the listener engaged more (e.g. after the second chorus instead of the 3rd verse). Great dynamic build toward the end.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Awesome first lines. Good verse and chorus. You could shorten the second verse to keep the energy moving forward more. The outro is very hooky. Could you take the main vocals to a higher register (or add higher backing vocals) to give the vocals slightly more intensity and dynamics?
On target for this listing
Indie/alternative rock - on the mark.
Overall Comments:
Hey Michael, great lyrics. They really are something else - in a good way. The songs feature good melodies and inventive instrumentation also, nice work. One thing about the vocal delivery....you definitely have your own style and sound, which is a good thing. It just seems that you stay very much within a tight range. Branching out into higher (and lower) registers could really add to your sound. The musicianship is inventive and interesting, but also could be tightened up in places (e.g. the drums in the middle of the last chorus of "Thundarr"- they are quite untight. Rerecording and/or reediting could help the issue). The arrangements could be tightened up and amended in places to keep the momentum of the songs moving forward more and to keep the listener engaged more (please see comments underneath the individual songs). I wish you good luck with everything.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
Not great, but clean enough for this listing
Too much distortion
Drums/percussion sound stiff and/or mechanical
Instrumentation sounds too synthetic
The production sounds good overall.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Good songs, mostly performed well. The material suits the listing well.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 226
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S070104IR
Great INDIE/ALT./MODERN ROCK-POP ARTISTS with 'brilliant/hit songs' are wanted by an up and coming Canadian Indie Music Company with major int'l publishing and distribution affiliations. Musically, think along the lines of Death Cab For Cutie, the Shins, Franz Ferdinand, Hot Hot Heat, Interpol, Razorlight, Arcade Fire, etc. They're interested in releasing/licensing full artist albums and/or single song recordings internationally for film/TV projects. Mid to up-tempo songs only -- no ballads. You don't have to have a full CD in order to submit, but it'd be a big plus. They want to find exceptional artists to market to the world -- via record distribution and film/TV/media projects. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include bio/photo/lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Jan. 4, 2007. TAXI # S070104IR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070104IR
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
6 Engineering
6 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
Short, sweet & to the point : ) A subtle arrangement in general as CH melody has virtually no lift. And at 2:23 this almost feels unfinished to me (I almost NEVER say that), altho short & sweet, esp in indie rock isn't necessarily a negative. The addition of a BR might add some nice contrast tho. Just a thought for future songwriting : )
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
6 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
This is one of my faves of yours : ) It's kinda whiney, but I like that, esp for your band as it just seems to fit. And the addition of the horns kinda gives this a bit of a Cardinal vibe (if you don't know the band, look 'em up; I think you'd dig them).
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hi, Michael; I always enjoy hearing your songs, even if I don't usually forward them. It always depends on the listing, of course. This is a very close call for me (I brought the listing in, btw), so I went looking for your website. I wanted to see if you're a 'real' band, e.g. And with all the shows you've already got booked for the year, I'd say that you are. I also enjoy your lyrics (even tho they're kind of dour, but I think that's more or less expected in the 'indie rock' genre !! : ) & feel that your whole approach is prob kind of tongue in cheek anyway. I feel that your band name, 1 promo photo & the 'band photo' that I found on your site are all indications of this, too. Even one of the Spin reviews I read seemed to find you ... not confusing, but contradictory in your lyrics, perhaps. Again, I think that's great in this genre tho, which is prob why Spin has given you so many positive reviews as that's totally who their audience is (I read Spin every month; gotta stay
in touch with what the 'kids' are listening to, you know : ) But, something is holding me back from a forward to this company ... & I'm not quite sure what it is ... maybe a diff voc perf (my personal taste) ... or instr. perfs that don't sound quite so loose. I dunno .... but I'm going to err on the side of caution & not forward your submission, altho, again, this was a really close call as I feel you're mostly on target for what this company currently seeks.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
mostly well recorded ... instr. perfs. sound pretty loose at times, altho that's not always a negative for the indie rock genre, & vox kind of ... lazy ?? but, again, mostly par for the course for indie rock
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
This was a very close call for me as the artistry is on target & the songs are appropriately kinda negative and/or sad a la the 'indie rock' genre. But something's holding me back from a forward ... maybe the rather loose instr. perfs or the voc tone, I'm not sure, but because I brought the listing in I'm going to err on the side of caution.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 111
TAXI # D070102SX
A wide range of 1960s-sounding ROCK/POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a Music Licensing Co./Clearing House for the beginning of the 2007 TV season. Think along the lines of the the Rolling Stones, the Byrds, Bob Dylan, the Hollies, the Kinks, the Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, the Who, etc. etc. Male or female vocals are OK -- all tempos are fine as well. They’d really love to find original recordings from that decade, but 1960s-influenced and sounding material will work out nicely. They’d like new music in place by mid-January, therefore they need material to consider as quickly as next week. They’ve had placements on CBS, FOX, MTV, the WB, and the CW [among others]. They offer a non-exclusive 50/50 deal -- they collect the publishing $, you the writer $. And you keep the song’s copyright. No uncleared samples of any kind and you must own 100% of your song’s rights [publishing & master rights]. They asked us to be very selective in what we
forward to them. Broadcast quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. TAXI # D070102SX
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070102SX Song Title: Satellite Status:Return
TAXI # D070102FI
A wide range of 1950s-sounding ROCK/POP SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a Music Licensing Co./Clearing House for the beginning of the 2007 TV season. Think along the lines of Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Bo Diddley, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, the Everly Brothers, Duane Eddy, Jerry Lee Lewis, etc. etc. Male or female vocals are OK -- all tempos are fine as well. They’d really love to find original recordings from that decade, but 1950s-influenced and sounding material will work out nicely. They’d like new music in place by mid-January, therefore they need material to consider as quickly as next week. They’ve had placements on CBS, FOX, MTV, the WB, and the CW [among others]. They offer a non-exclusive 50/50 deal -- they collect the publishing $, you the writer $. And you keep the song’s copyright. No uncleared samples of any kind and you must own 100% of your song’s rights [publishing & master rights]. They asked us to be very selective in what we forward to them. Broadca
st quality needed [great sounding home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. TAXI # D070102FI
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D070102FI Song Title: Thundarr Status:Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S061221MR
Young and extremely talented MODERN/ALT. ROCK ARTISTS in the range of Green Day to the Arctic Monkeys to Radiohead are sought by an Indie Label that is owned by one of the biggest actors in the universe. This company primarily produces film soundtracks but is expanding to sign individual talent as well. Great vocals, image/look, and over-all star quality are all required. Touring experience is highly recommended. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Dec. 21, 2006. TAXI # S061221MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S061221MR
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Cool instrumentation. Hey man what can i say I'm a fan.
Title: The Day After
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Solid! The vocals could be a little tighter with the track. I think I feel this way because they are so loud in the mix. If they were ducked back just a bit it might have a little more flow.
Title: Satellite
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
This is still my favorite! Great words.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Hey Mike, Well done bro. I hear some interesting influences. here. A little bit of the Neutral Milk vibe. More than happy to forward you along. GOOD LUCK.
Bio Comments:
good bio.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Cool words, melodies and style.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 211
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # S070119PC
Great POLITICAL/SOCIAL COMMENTARY SONGS with positive messages and ideas on how to solve our problems are wanted by the President of an Artist Mgmt. Co. to represent for film/TV/video game/commercial placement. Think along the lines of Rage Against The M
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S070119PC Song Title: My Country
The company your song has been forwarded to is: Songs With Vision
On target for this listing
Right in line with what the listing is seeking.
Good music in verses
Good music in choruses
Memorable "hook"
A powerful musical hook maintains a strong presence
Good Sectional Contrast
Good contract and distinctions.
Good use of imagery
Rhymes well
Communicates emotion to listener
Vocal does help to sell song
Lyric content provides a decision, a back story and a firm stance on the future and is delivered with commitment via forward moving vocals.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 216
Good title
Excellent use of title to form lyrical hook. I would beat 9 out of 10 listeners will be caught off guard by the true meaning of the title and its use in the chorus.
Overall Comments:
There are some very cool sound points running under the vocals that offer a lot of understanding and support for the message, Michael. The guitar and keyboard mingling somehow creates a slightly bagpipe type effect. Very subtle and extremely well created. The marching beat furthers the tone and texture. The message is not only unique but offers a microscopic view for the decision. All the elements are in place and the steadfast arrangement offers a great foundation for the narrators determined stance.
Overall Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Song has lots of pieces that fit perfectly together and form not only a lyrical decision but support that tone with the instrumental roles and deliveries
TAXI # Y061213SS
Quirky, left-of-center SINGER-SONGWRITER SONGS a la Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Nick Cave, Randy Newman, Lou Reed, etc. are needed by a new LA-based Music Library being started by veterans of that industry. Great vocals and instrumental performances are essential - this company is very selective in what & who they sign. Male or female vocals are OK. No lyrical restrictions - all themes are OK. They offer a non-exclusive, 50/50 split deal - you keep your original copyrights. Broadcast quality needed. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Dec. 13, 2006. TAXI # Y061213SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y061213SS Status Return
Song Name Pre-Existing Condition
Song Name Grace Kelly
Song Name Thundarr
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # Y061206IP
Cool, edgy INDIE POP/ROCK SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the vein of Arcade Fire, Death Cab For Cutie, the Decemberists, Belle & Sebastian, Of Montreal, Gomez, Rilo Kiley, etc. are needed by a new LA-based Music Library being started by veterans of that industry. Great vocals and instrumental performances are essential - this company is very selective in what & who they sign. Male or female vocals are OK. No lyrical restrictions - all themes are OK. They offer a non-exclusive, 50/50 split deal - you keep your original copyrights. Broadcast quality needed. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received no later than Dec. 6, 2006. TAXI # Y061206IP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # Y061206IP Status: Forward
Song Names:
Grace Kelly
Pre-Existing Condition
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # S061103CR
COLLEGE/INDIE ROCK/POP SONGS along the lines of the Shins, the Raconteurs, Modest Mouse, the Donnas, the Pixies, Cold War Kids, Ima Robot, etc. are needed by the President of an Artist Management Company to represent for film/TV/video game/commercial placement. Cool riffs, smart lyrics, and great hooks - musically & lyrically - are all important. No instrumentals. The company’s owner will come in to screen your submissions. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Nov. 3, 2006. TAXI # S061103CR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S061103CR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
This track is very well crafted and delivered, Michael. The main character really satisfies its use for film as the topic maintains true throughout. It is an excellent track though for film it is a little limiting. That does not take away from your work however. It is very well crafted and delivered.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
9 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
9 Arrangement
9 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
The mixture of the fuzzed out power chords and the lightness in your vocals is very well crafted.
On target for this listing
Right in line for submissions request
Overall Comments:
Your song structure and use of instrumentation is very well crafted, Michael. I really like how you have used the simple power chord as a massive yet subtle musical hook. It works magic in conjunction with your vocal work. The style is right in line with the submission request and all the elements are firmly in place.
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
Sound recording is well crafted and delivered.
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
I am forwarding on the strength of "Satellite". "Grace Kelly" is an equal in song structure and a Great track it is too specific for film placement however.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 216
TAXI # S061031SS
Great SINGER-SONGWRITER ARTISTS with brilliant/hit songs are wanted by an up and coming Canadian Indie Music Company with major int’l publishing and distribution affiliations. Musically, think along the lines of Sufjan Stevens, KT Tunstall, Ray LaMontagne, Elliott Smith, Beth Orton, Cat Power, Alexi Murdoch, etc. They’re interested in releasing/licensing full artist albums and/or single song recordings internationally for film/TV projects. Mid to up-tempo songs only -- no ballads. You don’t have to have a full CD in order to submit, but it’d be a big plus. They want to find exceptional artists to market to the world -- via record distribution and film/TV/media projects. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include bio/photo/lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Oct. 31, 2006. TAXI # S061031SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S061031SS
Title: Thundarr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
6 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
I love that this reminds me of Cardinal (they were a 90's indie band). I think this is really cool & could be even more appealing if it had an actual HK. But, as indie pop/rock songs go, it's got a great vibe & sometimes that's all that matters in that genre : )
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Yeah, you've got an actual HK here (& a memorable theme in general) so I'm much more likely to remember this song : ) Also, vox sound just a bit more confident here (or recorded better). And even tho the story could be from another era, as could some of the instr. you've managed to keep your artistry consistent, which is no mean feat.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
7 Engineering
7 Musicianship
6 Lead Vocal
Another consistent trk from The Motion Sick. A good story & a well crafted song. I love that the vox are such a great fit for this lyrical story, too. I also love the instr. here; back to more of that Cardinal sound (don't worry, I'm sure it's just me that thinks this & I like being reminded of Cardinal 10+ yrs after the fact : )
Not close enough to what listing asked for
Not sure indie-pop = the singer-songwriter genre. I suppose it could (Elliot Smith, e.g.), but not sure it does here .
Overall Comments:
Hi, Michael; it's clear from these songs & from your bio that there's a place for The Motion Sick in today's musical climate. That's also my personal opinion : ) Unfortunately, however, this particular label isn't currently the best fit, in my opinion (& I brought the listing in, btw) for your music. I know there are indy labels that would LOVE to capitalize on your success to date; no, I don't know if we're running any listings for them, but I have a hunch they'll come find you if not : ) Keep up the good work & I'll be looking for you in SPIN & CMJ (I subscribe to both). Oh, & be sure & look up Cardinal; I think you'll like it ; )
Sound Quality:
Well - Recorded
The main reason r were not forwarded for this listing is:
This is an indie pop/rock group; great at that & having some fantastic success, too, but not really fitting the singer-songwriter genre that this label currently releases or seeks.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 111
TAXI # D061030PR
The VP of A&R of one of the largest Independent Labels in the U.S. is seeking left-of-center, amazingly talented, young POP-ROCK ARTISTS/BANDS with an ALTERNATIVE edge in the general range of Snow Patrol, the Fray, Elbow, James Blunt, Keane, Doves, Built To Spill, Death Cab For Cutie, Gomez, etc. Female-led bands are fine as well. They’re seeking working/touring bands or solo artists that who write huge hooks and have a solid and growing fanbase. A great look/image is part of the picture as well. They’re looking to possibly sign a new artist by the end of the year - the last quarter - hence, they want to hear choices ASAP. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response via mail. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submis
sions must be received no later than 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (California time), Monday, Oct. 30, 2006. TAXI # D061030PR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D061030PR Status: Return
Song Names:
Grace Kelly
Pre-Existing Condition
TAXI # S061013SS
Young, commercial/mainstream-sounding SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la KT Tunstall, Landon Pigg, Teddy Geiger, Michelle Branch, Conor Oberst, Fiona Apple, etc. are wanted by the President of an Independent Publishing Co. He’s looking for melodic and hook-heavy artists that not only have great material for Film/TV projects, but also have what it takes to succeed on the next level [he’s also seeking artists to take to major/indie labels]. Having a completed CD is a bonus, but not necessary. Broadcast quality is preferred, but very good demo quality is OK. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Oct. 13, 2006. TAXI # S061013SS
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S061013SS
Title: Thundarr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
hot musical intro. keyboard patch might sound a little more authentic for my taste. great melody and arrangement. i wish the tempo were just a little faster. love the horns. very nice musical instrumentation.
Title: Grace Kelly
Play Song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
another good pop song. great melody and arrangement. great verse. memorable chorus. i'm not sure about the lyrical hook in the chorus; it sounds a little novel for my personal taste.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
this is my favorite of the three. another very good pop song. all components are in place here; congratulations.
On target for this listing
Overall Comments:
Michael: You are very talented. I really appreciate your musical headspace. Your sense of melody and arrangement is A+. The lyrical content at times appears a little novel for my personal taste. Please try and listen to what your peers in this genre write about for a little inspiration. I really like your vocal. The bar on this listing is very high; you are very close. I would absolutely forward you for other listings. Thanks and good luck to you.
Bio Comments:
great bio & picture. good work!
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
The listing calls for singers a la KT Tunstall, Michelle Branch, Conor Oberst and Fiona Apple. Your submission is very very close but not close enough.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 244
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060927MR
Commercial/Mainstream-sounding MODERN ROCK ARTISTS a la the Killers, Green Day, Weezer, The Offspring, Blink-182, etc. are wanted by the President of an Independent Publishing Co. He’s looking for melodic and hook-heavy bands that not only have great material for Film/TV projects, but also have what it takes to succeed on the next level [he’s also seeking artists to take to major labels]. Having a completed CD is a bonus, but not necessary. Broadcast quality is preferred, but very good demo quality is OK. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics/photo/bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Sept. 27, 2006. TAXI # S060927MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060927MR
Title: Grace Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
8 Lead Vocal
Great production and vocal on this one. Lyrically a little hard to connect to. I like that you're off the beaten path I'm just not sure that you didn't stray a little too far on this one. I'm basing this solely on the fact that this listing is after mainstream songs. I don't think that these lyrics are mainstream enough.
Title: Pre-Existing Condition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
7 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
7 Production
8 Engineering
7 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
You've got a really strong verse here. The B section feels a little lack luster in comparison. I think that a more staccato musical performance could help to add a little more drama to the B section.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
8 Lyrics
8 Marketability
8 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Strongest of the three in my opinion.
Not close enough to what listing asked for
A little more INDIE than what this listing is after.
Overall Comments:
Hey Mike, This is a difficult situation for me because i really like your band a lot. Unfortunately there is a style issue in that you do not closely enough match the bands named in the listing. I guess you're kind of close to weezer but the choruses could use more polish to take on that super-commercial sound. Here are some things that I noticed. first it felt like the songs could be played at slightly faster tempos. If this is the vibe that you're going for than that;s cool but I felt like a couple of bpm's here and there could have benefited the tracks. Either way I just want to suggest that you experiment with the bpm's a little more before you record your next batch. There are a couple of pitch issues with the vocals. It kind of created a bit of a vibe but, I think that a little more work in this dept. would be cool. Lastly it seems like your B sections act as resolves rather than climaxes or lifts. I would love to hear you approach your B sections in a more conventional
way. Striving for more melodic release before the resolve. Less tension and more payoff. I love your lyrics in Satellite. The other two tracks have some strong moments but felt a little hit or miss. Actually Grace Kelly is also very well written I just didn't vibe with the subject matter all that much. Hey man, keep at it, play live!!! Best of luck.
Bio Comments:
Great photo and bio/
The main reason you were not forwarded for this listing is:
Does not match genre requested. Not quite mainstream enough.
Status: Return
Listener ID # 211
Film/TV/Video Games
TAXI # D060921CP
The Music Producer for a global cell phone ad campaign is in desperate need of a cool, catchy, sing-a-long type song in ANY STYLE. Lyrically, the song’s message must be positive and should suggest a simpler, less complicated life. Your song can be quirky, kooky, even a bit bizarre - but it doesn’t have to be. The bottom line is that needs to be likeable, fun, catchy, and the vocal/musical performances must be outstanding. And...it must be what the producer is seeking [he’s coming in to screen the submissions himself]. License fees are negotiable. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than
12:00 NOON, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Thursday, September 21, 2006. TAXI # D060921CP
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060921CP Song Title: Satellite Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # D060921MR
A new “indie artist” Online Music Store [a la iTunes - they’ll sell downloads of single songs when they launch in 2007] needs a wide variety of great, well-written and well-performed MODERN/ALTERNATIVE/INDIE/PUNK ROCK SONGS [with vocals/lyrics - no instrumentals] to offer on their site. Stylistically, think along the lines of the Killers to the White Stripes to Sleater-Kinney to Death Cab For Cutie to the Arcade Fire to Green Day, etc. They want songs from solo artists & bands. Their deal is pretty simple - a 50/50 split of income generated from the download sales of your song[s]. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submiss
ions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006. TAXI # D060921MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060921MR Song Title: Satellite
Status: Forward
Company: Bonwire Music Online
TAXI # D060919HR
A Los Angeles-based Sports Marketing Co., working in conjunction with the Film & TV dept. of a major Energy Drink Co., needs great HARD ROCK/METAL SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS in the vein of Slipknot, System Of A Down, Chevelle, Breaking Benjamin, Crossfade, Korn, Slayer, etc. for a new cable TV show highlighting Action Sports. They need great material for end credit cues as well as numerous incidental music cues. Mid- to up-tempos are preferred and male or female vocals are OK. Lyrically, anything that zeros in on the action/extreme sports vibe/feel/attitude will work especially well, but it’s not necessary. But stay away from very specific sports-related lyrical content [e.g. ”when I was surfing the North Shore” or “skateboarding is cool” or anything like that - they want lyrical descriptions of what it feels like to surf or skate or bungee jump or skydive out of an airplane, etc. etc.] Depending on the track and usage, they’re offering $250-$750 per license. The music supervisor
from the sports marketing co. will screen your submissions himself. Broadcast quality needed [excellent home recordings are OK]. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY - NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. As always, we will notify everyone via e-mail, whether your submissions have been Forwarded or Returned. Submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (California time), Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2006. TAXI # D060919HR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # D060919HR Song Title: White Light Status: Return
AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock
TAXI # S060912MR
A wide range of MODERN/ALTERNATIVE/INDIE/PUNK ROCK SONGS & INSTRUMENTALS - from Green Day to Modest Mouse to Franz Ferdinand to Fall Out Boy and beyond - are wanted by a West Coast-based Music Library whose clients include Xbox, Microsoft, Visa, Clorox, Adidas, Esurance + many more. Male or female vocals are fine, but great performances are a must. They offer a standard non-exclusive, 50/50 deal - all royalties are split down the middle and they don’t acquire your song’s copyright. Songs must be broadcast quality (great sounding home recordings are OK). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs - no samples that require clearance, please. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than Sept. 12, 2006. TAXI # S060912MR
Name: Michael Epstein Listing # S060912MR
Title: The Day After
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
7 Lyrics
7 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
7 Lead Vocal
Good voice. Good melodic themes. Lyrical content could be more captivating. Vocal performance could be stronger in the verse & chorus. Don't hold back - you have a good voice. Be convincing.
Title: Satellite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10=best)
8 Music
9 Lyrics
8 Marketability
7 Arrangement
8 Production
8 Engineering
8 Musicianship
9 Lead Vocal
Cute song, good lyrics. Vocal performance could be stronger, more convincing throughout - you have a great voice - don't hold back so much! Also, add more support with background vocals. Music could have more depth and energy as well.
On target for this listing
Not "current" sounding
songs sound like they were written a couple of years ago, however, they are fine for this particular listing (library).
Overall Comments:
Hi Michael, Overall, good writing. These songs are fine for this listing and I'm forwarding them. Please read and consider my notes under each song and see if you can update these arrangements and work on your vocal performance. I really like your voice but you are holding back in your performance. Keep writing and keep working hard. I'm looking forward to hearing new songs from you in the future. All the best.
Sound Quality:
Not great, but clean enough for this listing
The main reason you were forwarded for this listing is:
Forward - these songs could be further developed and sound a little bit dated, but they should be okay for this library listing.
Status: Forward
Listener ID # 186
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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